Doesnt matter what flag i put on i will be always "fakeflagger" only OG azzlack is japanese senpai
Flag: | Europe |
Registered: | June 21, 2022 |
Last post: | July 24, 2022 at 4:32 AM |
Posts: | 763 |
Doesnt matter what flag i put on i will be always "fakeflagger" only OG azzlack is japanese senpai
Dude imagine they are the best their country has to offer and they work so fucking hard and still perform so dogshit? LMFAO
Japan > Korea
Brazil > Korea
Normal version: Imagine DRX is one of the hardest working Teams alltime and get shit on by ZETA (eu lost too but EU HAD 2 SUBS HAHAHAHA)
Imagine a dogshit team like DRX farms their farmer league so hard 100 win streak, AND AND AND AND
HAHAHAHA this is so funny. Omg, TEARS.
Imagine DRX is the best korea has to offer, what a dogshit region. Japan > Korea
Friendly version: Why is DRX performing so bad? They are the best korea has to offer after they totally dominate their region so hard. And they are hard and serious workers. How are they performing so bad Internationally? Is it a lack of skill? Genetics? Mechanics?
No okay lets be honest, if DRX stay 3 month in EU and scrim with EU teams they can be the best
How tf should i? Even my highspeed is empty cause no wifi
Wtf should i do 4 days without internet??? Someone from my Provider will come friday to repair shit i am so mad i cant play valorant
He literally did everything he could do to win this shit, fnc having so much rounds is because of boaster. Optic winning rounds is because chet amazing strats and yay fragging power
This game was too close for Eu first seed.
Mini cant make them champions
To fix the team they need a better coach
Remove Mini
Fnatic not playing the meta, lack of attack defaults.
Most rounds won by individual skill and boaster igl.
Fnatic Mini isnt even 60% on the same level as this team is.
If they change roster Mini or Mistic will be removed.
alfajer played fucking sage and viper are u on crack
His stats are better than jingg and alfajer played 4v5 (minus mistic)
46 35 15 (36% HS Ratio)
46 38 9 (21% HS Ratio)
Higher HS and Assits
alfajer > apac > jing
they need some fucking brits for the sponsors.
he is like the face for brits.
its like jack grealish for man city u need that ugly UK face for the cameras
worst fucking player in the world i was the first one to shit at him and ppl got mad at me
he should already be kicked after this game
mistic bench ursellfl
u are the worst player in this game cuz u are british
british = minus 1
1x Russian God
1x Turkish God
THERE ARE 10000 players at home for this dogshit BRITISH
British ruin this world , game everything SATAN S DEVIL!!!!!
in over 100 matches mistic was almost over 50x LVP (lowest valuable player)
this wasnt a bait u crackhead. i am just telling that british players are -1 and 4v5 for every team. but boaster is good. mistic should be kicked after sentinels lose
Not talking about Boaster, Derke, Alfajer, Enzo
but mistic is a pisslow dogshit player who needs to be replaced. He should be already kicked out after lose vs sen.
if 1 team has 1 uk player its 4v5
if they have 2 uk player its 3v5
best examples: russ, l1nk, lulcas etc.
brits are the worst players as we all now.
even if fnc win (they gonna win) they need to replace l1nk with laruess or any other CIS or turk pro
lets be honest ,we all know that we are dogshit and dont stand to really win a bo3 against fnatic.
was nice to win some rounds but they gonan destroy us. unlucky for us
i wish we could win vs fnc
why i should? this was my masters plan. in my pickems u see that i am an prx fan
my name is lio and i live in indonesia i am 25 years old and i am an prx fan. this is my master bait account :)
nice to let u know my real identitiy now.
everythin what i wrote was just bait i am an prx fan
rule 1 never trust EU
IDIOTS, baited u again hardcore. DELUSIONAL
first win 2 maps.
Fnc will win 2-1 gg ez azzlack forever
first prx needs to win, i was sleeping and forgot to write it. Win game first
respect for beeing unreadable and dumb af, fnatic win 2-1
With delete i mean:
Delete VLR
Change Name not gonna comeback
Go dark
If Prx wins against Fnatic i will delete myself.
This is no cap i am really not joking
I swear to god
Check posts
How tf is it confirmed?💀💀 confirmed by you?
Its 100% him i was exploring all his posts which was very weird and like trembo did them. And 2 mins later after i saw i finished hes replying here
Trembo never uses 💀 and he is not from Eu
Did somebody aldready spotted his alt? 💀💀💀
Hes just a ultra rich millionaire having an ultra advantage in his nasa pc room. Even you could be pro player in his room
I am gonna be honest if i had your same pc specs and shit and ur room and genetics and mechanics and skill and ur iq i could be the best player in the world too.
Nothing special kekw 💀 x7
I am just trying to less destroy them. I have 80% BT ratio on Baits. U can check out my old posts this site was burning with 60-70 replys.
They need to read Apac related Title and Azzlack and they are mad already
10 minutes ago u said i am indian before u said i am turkish and than u said i am american wtf is wrong with u
So yesterday i watched Forsaken (2016) on Amazon Prime and the movie was sooo dogshit dont buy it. It was one of the most boring movies i ever saw
Tell me 1 good team in apac which is not prx
Wtf do you mesn with baiting? My pc is off i mean we are on vlr we are not even baiting how tf should i bait you in valorant can you explain? We never played