Flag: India
Registered: September 6, 2021
Last post: February 10, 2023 at 9:57 PM
Posts: 16

the current state of sea Valorant for fans is absolutely trash we are kept in the dark with no upcoming tournaments to look upon as nodwin has kept us in the dark where the sea tournaments should have started by mid-January at the righting of this post its mid-Feb and yet we have no update on any tournament that is gonna be organized it is really a bad time to be SEA Valorant fan

posted about 2 years ago

ok so there was an f up where vibrator was added to orangutan fe roster so he is mostly going to orangutan sad to see such good players go to t2 teams but hey its a combative world and u cant always be the best img -

posted about 2 years ago

map 2 is 3-9 in favour of ogt chances of map 3 is good and it is gonna be good

posted about 2 years ago

sorry bro i did not know it was a joke and have updated the post

posted about 2 years ago

thanks for defending me

posted about 2 years ago

the removal of Vibhor is not called for as he was performing quite well and if we see mw1 is not going to get into professional esports any time soon as he is moving abroad to study for 4 years so the question is who are they signing now? GE has already started to tryouts for a sub or young talent VLT seems it is falling way down at this point I would say that reckoning esports might be able to beat them or at least give a tough competition. Then the point of Amaterasu's wrist condition also comes to mind will VLT be able to recover? ok so update mw1 is on active roster and now the move makes more sense as Vibhor would just wast his talent on the bench as stated by Euphoria

posted about 2 years ago

y every one goning to Dubai al of a sudden and y only 3 teams 1 from every country

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

look at most Indians gona come in here thinking its SKrossi but it the OG Valentino Rossi

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Open to anyone: How do u have the energy to practice for almost 9 hrs a day and still stream after that

posted about 3 years ago

bro then India will slowly start becoming like north Korea or china the net lets us compare our standing and most people use jeo to play PUBG or free fire people dont even know about Valorant here

posted about 3 years ago

true but not true some teams come out and supported optic Indian roster except Forsaken and that is why players like VLT Marzil and GL Haivaan are not banned for life any more yes it ruined our chances but u can never for get the people who helped you when u where down bad remember the team also did not know WTF was going on

posted about 3 years ago

ngl it was fun at first but the community took it way out of hands like we (i) truly wanted to know what did some of the top players think of our seen but then i quickly realised how annoying it must get when in one of the Indian tournaments i saw some one spam "skrossi number one in the world let him play he will beat yo ass" i have learned from my mistakes and i dont beg for approval any more i know he is a good player i dont need validation any more
just wanted to put this out here

posted about 3 years ago