Flag: United States
Registered: March 27, 2023
Last post: April 1, 2024 at 2:29 PM
Posts: 43

I think he's just a brazil hater and rightfully so

posted 10 months ago

You have the wrong read if you're thinking valyn's teammates of two years are just blatantly disrespecting him. He's a superior igl to Botzam every day of the year and just a better player

posted about a year ago

I honestly have no clue how to feel about this

posted about a year ago

Honestly, with the time crunch and the number of available good players going away, It would not entirely surprise me if s0m and FNS come back with s0m on duelist this time around

posted about a year ago

Don't overthink it. If she's willing to go on an actual date with you then she already has some level of interest in you. Don't be too pushy, be funny, and watch her body language. Biggest indicator with the actual vibe of the date. Hardest part about a date is getting it started. Once things get going and you get into the rhythm of things, it's pretty easy (at least for me). You got this

posted about a year ago

Doesn't matter what you call it. He likes kids

posted about a year ago

Yeah sorry I can't understand sarcasm about riot letting a pedo play in t1 through text. My apologies lil guy

posted about a year ago

No. He's just not a kiddy diddler sympathizer like you

posted about a year ago

because as bad as physical abuse is, everyone cares more about crimes against children as they should

posted about a year ago

It's more like, south if you want standard racism, north if you want reversed racism

posted about a year ago

average vlr user

posted about a year ago

A lot of people, including monyet himself, are saying that the monyet to prx leak isn't true so idk about that one, but the other one's have seemed pretty reliable

posted about a year ago

well bear is asuna's little brother so that's why they duo. and bang was going to be his teammate if they duod. Usually how you spot who's going to be teammates in the future, especially if they started duoing out of nowhere

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They've always duoed since Zander started becoming more prevalent. Even before m80 was formed. They're just good friends

posted about a year ago

I wont' lie, I don't agree with it and frankly i think it's a waste of money to just have a secondary scrim roster that you're just gonna throw out at the end of the day, but It's not cheating

posted about a year ago

Honestly should work out better for Ardiis, but what's gonna happen with Cned?

posted about a year ago

I won't lie, it would probably just straight up misinformation for him to leave his shit up no?

posted about a year ago

So we're not gonna talk about c9 having to drop their game changer's roster just because they were overpaying their players including yay right? (figure was about 60k monthly for yay)

posted about a year ago

First of all, I agree that they won't be the best looking team of this year if we're talking about peak performances for teams this year. HOWEVER, you can't say that LOUD can't be in consideration for THIS YEAR and then talk about LOCK//IN which was last year. It will either be fnatic or PRX

posted about a year ago

This is the shittiest bait post i have ever seen

posted about a year ago

Idk if they're going to be dropping s0m. I don't see the value in dropping s0m for one bad tournament performance. NRG needs to make sure they make the correct moves here because rn it looks like they're kinda fucking this up a bit

posted about a year ago

Bro has been consistently performing all LAN. Actual best NA KJ rn. Don't show disrespect on this mans

posted about a year ago

That's some fat cope lol. People just happy there's a chance bozo

posted about a year ago

Bro is talking about marved who's played two games and crashies as an honorable mention but isn't talking about s0m who's consistently done well since Lock//IN give for one or two MAPS

posted about a year ago

In all seriousness, coaches give ideas to the IGL and team from another view point since it's easier for them to see what's going on and find the mistakes since they're not playing. They also just tend to try and keep mental up.

posted about a year ago

Yall need to chill. They showed the players on one of the cameras going by and it looks like an Observer DCed

posted about a year ago

I mean you just did

posted about a year ago

Comp doesn't equate to anything in actual tournaments

posted about a year ago

Bro has a hand injuruy relax tenz haters. His finger is swollen af and crooked

posted about a year ago

Yeah he lagged but they shouldn't be replaying the round since it didn't cost NRG the round

posted about a year ago

Still think they should bench dephh and have sacy igl with marved as second caller

posted about a year ago

Derrek isn't overhyped at all. He had a bad match. Every player has that. He's recognized for his insane clutches and consistency and this time he just underperformed. If you want overhyped, it's zellsis. Bro has been riding the SEN hype ever since that roster with Shroud and is extremely overrated and has an overinflated ego.

posted about a year ago

Apparently people are saying stuff about sayf saing "i'm not confident going into this match" and "i could igl better than redgar". If that's true you can't have that attitude on a team and that's fucked to say on stream about your teammates. Regardless if it's true or not, its something you bring up with your coach and not stream.

posted about a year ago

they messed up the fist bump

posted about a year ago