Flag: India
Registered: February 23, 2023
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 2:31 PM
Posts: 8

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posted 11 months ago

istg bro is legit cracked like he might be one the best contender for the best duel

posted 11 months ago

Yeah fr, But like jinggg would be very happy if they won but gosh I miss jinggg :(

posted 11 months ago

fr bro I was waiting for this match I mean lessss gooooooooooooooo

posted 11 months ago

Bruh chill out SEN is actually a good team, GenG is looking diff but atleast be happy for a good game jeez

posted 11 months ago

thanks for understanding man. Can't do much about copy paste :/

posted about 2 years ago

Sorry bro but I don't want a person to Hate GE or India just because of some people

posted about 2 years ago

I am really sorry for all the people out there who are tired of hearing GE wins tournament or overhyping a org or a team (Including Me that's why I am writing this)
Some 12 year old typing crap for no reason Cause I understand the hype being from that region as It's our first time representation of our Country and we are proud of it
But it does not make sense to defame other teams and trash talk on them (LIKE SORRY BUT THERE LITERALLY FAR BETTER TEAMS THAN GE I LEGIT MEAN NO COMPARISON)
and spamming GE fighting is all good to create hype and increase an audience but just disturbing others is bad though
If GE wins or loses we would just be glad that a team made out here and they would comeback in the next tournament for sure
Please ignore these kids who just spam these things and enjoy the game to the fullest
I would like to Apologize on behalf of them. Sorry
It has been a great tournament and would like to see more of this

posted about 2 years ago