Flag: United States
Registered: March 7, 2021
Last post: July 1, 2022 at 3:17 PM
Posts: 6

i bet cned wishes he would've taken the 100t money... this roster is painfully inconsistent.

posted about 2 years ago

ez4saya. saving the knights the embarassment :D
2-0 guard ezaf.

posted about 3 years ago

she'll always be good obviously but i think op is saying that the meta is shifting more towards having your comp have more tools in comparison to just having your jett carry. Unless you have a tenz (or wardell!) Jett isnt as useful because people have gotten better with dealing with her.
Plus Kayo is a great counter pick for jett.

posted about 3 years ago

DaZed? what? why?

posted about 3 years ago

Hey guys, I'm a new Valorant player.

I've played csgo for the last 2 years and some change sort of casually, just pugged with friends and just floated around level 5 faceit and nova/low mg MM in terms of skill. After seeing Ethan (A player I really admire) make the switch, it inspired me to start playing more and I'm looking to make this my main game moving forward. I'd like to really grind this game harder than I grinded csgo since I'm attracted to the wide variety of utility and how creative you can be with it.

Just some questions I've built up after some time trying the game over the last few days DMing and playing around in the range

What agents do you guys suggest for newer players? The agents that attracted me the most (in order) are Omen, Skye, and Breach. I also have mild interest in Phoenix and Sage, a little for the new agent Astra as well. How many agents should I learn to start? I was thinking of keeping it to just omen and skye for now, just to not overwhelm myself learning too many lineups and stuff. Also, any good videos you guys have? particularly on skye or breach? I found 2 youtube channels for omen (flexinja and moepork) so I should be good there. Also, I'll be mostly in soloQ if that means anything.

Can someone give me the current tldr version of the economy meta? I think know how the money works in VAL in terms of loss bonus and stuff, but why do i see pro teams half defuse and then let a teammate defuse? Is that a money thing or just for fun?

What is the current gun meta? I see a lot of different stuff in pistol round buy in pro play and I'm not sure what I should be doing really. Is it agent dependent or what? From my understanding, the vandal/phantom seems to be entirely what you prefer. I was thinking to run phantom on CT for multikill potential via spraying and to shoot through smokes & cages when T's exec. Then, I'd use vandal on T side for refragging for my duelists with the one tap HS's. Is this a good idea? What about 2nd round buys? Are stingers still good and should they be the go-to 2nd round buy? I was thinking to just buy bulldog. Lastly, using the operator feels so much different than in CSGO to me. Does anyone else feel like awping is a little stiff (except for jett i guess)? Or do I just need to adjust to valorant movement first?

How do you guys usually warm up? I'm not a fan of the current dming structure. I heard changes are coming that will add an update to the current dm that will make them similar to CSGO community server DMs, which is awesome though. Did riot say when that will be released?

I do not fully understand how ranking/climbing the leaderboard works in valorant. Can someone explain or link me something that would help explain it?

Not directly Valorant related, but I have been thinking of trying out some aim trainers and some other things to elevate my mechanics. What are some things you guys have used and how much have they helped you?

Looking forward to learning the game, but seems like I got to catch up on the meta quite a bit.

posted about 4 years ago