Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: September 20, 2024 at 3:34 PM
Posts: 22


posted 5 months ago

Twitter links give me PTSD

posted 5 months ago

They definitely need a igl but dropping Heat is a mistake.

posted 5 months ago

Curiously Tomaszy was dropped by KC today. My goat would never!

posted 5 months ago

How the f*ck a player get 3 consecutives top 3 at Champions and 3 international trophies and people still say this about the guy.

posted 5 months ago

Team that wants to lose versus the team that doesn't want to win

posted about a year ago

NRG tried to buy Demon1, Saadhack, Aspas, etc..
They are playing the game but sadly the cards are not in their favor

posted about a year ago

Loud so far made a counter strategy for every team in the tournament. They are winning more at the enemy pick map then theirs lol

Fracture is the only map I'm not confident they will able to counter EG, it's cursed, they tried everthing and were only able to become competent playing at it. I believe it's Saadhack kryptonite, during VCT Playoffs, Less had to igl the map and create the composition.

posted about a year ago

They earn a very good amount of money. I know you're not from Brazil (probably) but even with our country being not that rich the organization is still able to pay them a lot. Enough so they don't need to work after retiring from VAL. After all the CEO is a multi-millionaire.

The problem is the NA orgs dropping a nonsense amount of money to steal our players.
The funny thing is the difference in curreny helps them (1BRL = 5 USD) but even then they are not able to pay and need public support like Sentinels or drop the player like C9 did with Yay. Poor management at its peak.

posted about a year ago

Ranger's Apprentice series

posted about a year ago

Almost half of the slots in this Champions where for Asian teams, no surprise they are doing relatively well

posted about a year ago

popcorn superstar

posted about a year ago

Sentinels right now is freestyling the competition, they are probably rolling a D20 and deciding their next steps based on the results.

LOUD 2-0

posted about a year ago

If they played on a better region they would had developed even more... Playing on Brazil only held their potential

posted about a year ago

Apparently, yes, maybe not a lot of fans but they are probably making up for it in other ways

posted about 2 years ago

Franchising is not about who had the better competitive year. It's about having a real project for the future, money, investors, stability, competence, etc...

That's why MIBR got a spot although their team having a bad year

posted about 2 years ago

He deserves it. Incredible in a ungrateful role. Controllers on top!

posted about 2 years ago

couldn't describe it better!

posted about 2 years ago

Apparently they proposed a very good project to Riot. Gamelanders are not a traditional team, they only exist in Valorant but the Organization they are linked with (Final Level) is a monster in the brazilian game scene working in the background of many brands.

posted about 2 years ago

Right now, Heat is still trying to perform with different agents. Since Jett was nerfed he has been having problems so it's not a big deal if some teams are not interested in him

posted about 2 years ago

short answer: they have a lot of money

posted about 2 years ago