Flag: Canada
Registered: June 9, 2023
Last post: April 26, 2024 at 6:42 PM
Posts: 5

I get where you're coming from but, I think you're looking a little too hard for something that doesn't exist. Sen is the reigning masters champs. You're mistaking constructive team environment for bullying toxic team environment. Typical FNC fan.

posted 10 months ago

Potter did say multiple teams, players and staff told her that chet is a leaker and that she had nothing to do with it at all. At the end of the day it is still an accusation with 0 proof but, potter's true colors kinda coming out if she lied about some shit like that. lol

posted 10 months ago

That was pretty cringe on both sides though. Potter accused him of leaking vods of scrims along with some other crazy things he's been known for doing. While Chet just denied and basically called her a mad woman. Pretty unprofessional but hey, Chet>Potter

posted 10 months ago

My top players consist of international play ever since the start of franchising. Aspas was my number 2 up until he joined lev and didn't qualify. The thread specifically asks for (current). Don't get me wrong I had Aspas in my top 3 even before he won champs. Just not currently my friend.

posted 10 months ago

My top 3 is usually subject to change after each international tournament. Right now I'd say N4rrate, Zekken, Less. Yeah but FUCK the international shit though... ALL HAIL THE OPTC CORE!! NRG!! NRG!!! NRG!!! NRG!!!

posted 10 months ago