Flag: Indonesia
Registered: May 15, 2023
Last post: March 22, 2024 at 4:52 AM
Posts: 21

explosive entry? texture had more first kill in 3 weeks as a duelist than rossi's first kill in 5 weeks. rossi having more first death than first kill in those 5 weeks, bottom fragging when they need him the most. literally the only good performance of him was against Gen G and thats it. texture also had to play against the 3 of the strongest team in pacific while rossi played against the bottom half of the leaderboard but still couldnt deliver (losing against rrq twice and bottom fragging in those 2 matches)

posted 11 months ago

i dont think ray4c can fill jingg's shoes. we all know his crazy judge play but we never really saw great rifling. on defense, he is kinda useless once the attacker found where he is (as we can see in today's match against boom on Bind). jingg is known as an aggressive yet consistent fragger. and replacing mindfreak for monyet's smoker? removing prx's backbone is literally the worst thing alekcs can do to for prx. mindfreak and davai are literally the 2 players needed for the other 3 aggressive player to play their game.

posted about a year ago

Riot picking RRQ as indonesia's representative is honestly quiet weird. because the whole 2022 was RRQ playing with full philipines team and all of the sudden they got the slot for Franchise as indonesia's representative and decided to do the funniest thing before getting bashed by the whole community and then straight up picking indo player... if it were onic or boom who literally are the grand finalist of 2022 LCQ, it would make more sense

posted about a year ago

3 games against top 4 teams in the league.
where were your duelist when you are up against RRQ and Team Secret? even Monyet was a better duelist when he is the main smoke of the team.

posted about a year ago

GE literally release all of their player. it seems like their plan of season 0 is not working so they try to "rebuild" a roster

posted about a year ago

how can you put EDG above PRX when PRX beat them in Tokyo? if we talk since the start of the Lock IN, both of them lost in the first round. PRX come second in pacific league and EDG lost in GF of Act 1 china. PRX won pacific beating DRX and EDG won the Act 2. but then Tokyo PRX play with a sub and when top 3 and also beating EDG. it is weird putting EDG above PRX and NRG above PRX where NRG lost to them with a sub

posted about a year ago

show playoffs matchup? your so called goat got his ass kicked twice against the same team that they beat in final qualifier. posting up a great -8 and -10 on those matchup...

posted about a year ago

if you can find someone like him in ranked, why wont they be in the tournament like something? arent they all supposed to be cracked aimer?....

posted about a year ago

beat up? letting RB dropped 36 kills and choking 8-4 lead and you called that beat up VS? yeah what a beat up

posted about a year ago

wtf do you mean he beat up VS? you can literally check KK history and he got shit on 2-1 3-0 by VS. yes he is godly now but to say hes been destroying asian teams where he mostly played on HK/TW and China Region. go check his history against other asian teams... only recent LCQ hes been performing, before? he was getting shit on with his team on SEA Challengers

posted about a year ago

round 19 ascent. they decided to push b with skrossi's ult. ejay miss his shot, so a big opportunity for GE to make a huge entry. what happened in that round? he missed his dash and dash to the wall and run towards logs while texture pushes lane. with the amount of support he is getting from haunt and texture's entry to lane, he still missed the one thing that he needed to do.

posted about a year ago

holding outside b using op on attack while on the other side they could have got A side... yea how can you support a player like that

posted about a year ago

they were literally on a 5v4 advantage on round 22. texture already got omen and xffero is low. and what did GE do? holding it until 45 seconds left while they waited for fucking skrossi to rotate from B..... if only they decided to follow texture's entry with phoenix ult they already won that round

posted about a year ago

difference is, f0rsaken had already played many agents other than jett before. at the beginning of his valorant pro, he wasnt even the jett on PRX. he was put as flex playing raze breach sova etc. he wasnt a jett one trick to begin with so its easier for him to adjust roles.

posted about a year ago

definitely change the result. something's firepower is so different its like having demon1 in EG. it moves f0rsaken into a more flex player and allows them to be more aggresive. you definitely never watched any pacific games

posted about a year ago

at that time, it looked like copenhagen's prx was at their prime. but now with something on the team and winning pacific with so much confident, its obvious prx with something is their prime now. jet lag wasnt a thing for something even if he manages to come to japan. korea japan and singapore was only 1 hour different so there is no way jet lag is a thing

posted about a year ago

they stomp drx 13-5 13-6 13-3 13-8 13-6 with something on the team. they barely beat DRX with cgrs.

posted about a year ago

i think f0rsaken once said that he is playing more braindead when he was the main duelist. now he is more of a flex player filling something's role so he plays like he is a flex not main duelist

posted about a year ago

they did "regress" a bit. it seems like the dominating season that drx was having since week 1 went to slump after they lost to Team Secret. you can clearly see they are not playing like they used to. they lost 2-0 to prx and went into 5 game against T1 who in the regular sesason was getting 2-0ed by them

posted about a year ago

0-3 against the top 4 team in pacific.... and who did they win against while having indians? 2 of the bottom teams and GEN G who are falling apart..

posted about a year ago