Flag: Sweden
Registered: January 24, 2023
Last post: May 21, 2023 at 6:33 PM
Posts: 181
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The thing is Derke Raze is better than Chronicle Raze. Let’s leave that twisten discussion, the main idea is to have a true duelist like Derke who play Jet and Raze consistently on high level. Jett-only players must chill in Premier or tier 2 vcls. Agree?

posted about a year ago

Loud will change their comps on Tokyo lil bro. I give 100% on that

posted about a year ago

He did his role well tho
Entry is not who always has best KD in the game bro
Only Jett with dash ability gives that ridiculous opportunity that’s why lots of bad players were boosted by this.

posted about a year ago

That’s why SEN dropped Tenz preferring more versatile Zekken? Stop this man

posted about a year ago

Aspas was consistently playing Raze in Champions wdym lil bro?

posted about a year ago

Derke Raze better Alfajer Raze tho? And what’s even more important no one in Fnatic will play KJ/Cypher better than Alfa if he switches to Raze, agree? Those switches were available during Chamber meta, now they are not in tier 1. 8-13 btw:D

posted about a year ago

When he will play Raze consistently on Split and Bind I will change my opinion.

posted about a year ago

Ok, let’s give him more time then? Now facts: it’s a bad thing when your duelist doesn’t play Raze on Bind preferring Sage.

posted about a year ago

One-trick Jett means duelist playing Jett-only and mid on Raze. Idc about him playing Sage - the most easy agent in the game LMAO
he’s a duelist - end of discussion.

posted about a year ago

Show me twisten consistently play raze on Bind & Split and I will change my opinion

posted about a year ago

Stoped reading at showmu 🤓

posted about a year ago

Teams play sage only bcz their Jetts can’t play anything except Jett or Sage. Cypher is better option by far

posted about a year ago

Keep coping

posted about a year ago

No. If it was true molsi not playing Raze then?

posted about a year ago

Must be out of franchising asap
All they do just play Jett or Sage

Look at Tenz, Cryo, Twisten or any other Jett-only player, they make their teams weak with comps. Vitality playing with Sage without Cypher and Cypher >>> Sage on Bind.

As the most clever VLR user once said: the good duelist must master Raze. Trembolona is GOATED

posted about a year ago

It was Ricky Indian alt

posted about a year ago

Mods banned him, vlr always protects streamers from hardcore baiters

posted about a year ago

Pansy is pretty mid, there the reason why ESL/Blast fired her

posted about a year ago

Wdym lil bro?

Yay, Derke, Aspas were always consistently good and considered as exceptional players since the early LANa. Yay got unlucky and scummed by c9 so unlucky for his 2023. You can check Derke STATS on LANs and rethink your question.

Nats and Chronicle are still the best of their roles and will be best for years.

Tenz, Cned and other frauds were never considered as GOATS by clever people.

posted about a year ago

Him, onur and engh (tsm)

posted about a year ago

Guys imagine if Tenz was 1-12 on Fracture Raze
Whole vlr web site would have been destroyed by tenz hate threads. But since it’s Zekken all good, Zekken has protection due to XSET past and his age however if you claim this guy tier 1 franchise player, you must be consistent.

posted about a year ago

Tenz died for 1-12 zekken 🥹

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Minus d0phh + assistant coach on IGL will make them better

posted about a year ago

Literally he is half IGL 😂

posted about a year ago

Wait LOTUS was SEN map pick holy fu*k 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Based, Leaf solo diffed ScreaM and Lulquid on Ascent 2 years ago and was always good on lans

posted about a year ago

Best controller player itw playing KJ + not comfortable + lack of confidence

posted about a year ago

My guy was scummed by XSET Sykko, only Zekken has tier 1 potential but even he is not there yet

posted about a year ago

Collegiate players are better than Yay and Vanity and half of NA ex cs pros
Where C9 signed them? Were they even famous in rankeds? Never seen Runi or Jake before 🥹

Guys that proves that talents are just waiting for the chance and 50% of franchise players are on paycheck.

posted about a year ago

Runi is collegiate IGL and he diffs d0phh hard
Also imagine having IGL who can’t call on KJ/Cypher KEKW

posted about a year ago

Based user. I’m a weekend player and asc 2 currently, if not family and constant grind with dedication on training (kovaaks, range, dms) ez immo 3 and maybe radiant but unlucko daddies don’t have time :(

posted about a year ago

France tier 2 is decent

Hope every EU VCL will have big streamers participating in tier 2 regional leagues

posted about a year ago

Aspas =1 champions, Derke = 0

Lock//In win doesn’t count bcz it was Ice Box and 9-3 curse

posted about a year ago

Be ready to get fucked by dephh’s wife on Twitter lil bro

posted about a year ago

You ain’t real

posted about a year ago

Nah wholesome EMEA fans support BR against NA every time, South Americans should support EU against NA too that’s the deal

posted about a year ago

Dear Brazil, we do not claim this brit as EU fan representative
He’s delusional

posted about a year ago

Now he doesn’t


posted about a year ago

Pearl>>>icebox anyways and overall decent map
Rito just need to rebuild B site but it’s difficult with agent abilities like Viper
If you delete viper Pearl will be tier 1 map

posted about a year ago

They are chokers

posted about a year ago

china was dominating valorant as korea/china do in LoL

And then you wake up

posted about a year ago

Bruh how am I dumb if you had harassment accusations not me? Gl in life dude, but oce and china still irrelevant in fps pls accept that.

posted about a year ago

Only Loud can stop them in Tokyo
And maybe just maybe DRX but they are well known chokers so idk

posted about a year ago

Raze - Mwzera
Jett - Aspas
Skye - Cauanzin
Omen/Brim - Pankada/Mako/Marved
Cypher - Nats
Viper - Nats
KJ - Suygetsu
Sova - Leo
Fade - Leo
Harbor - tuyz
Breach - Chronicle

Honourable mention: Less. May play on all anchor agents KJ, Viper and Cypher on top tier level as Nats/Suy. My problem is when I image Cypher I think about Nats, the same with Viper. Suy on KJ is a bit preferable for me too but it doesn’t mean Less is worse than them.

Sage and Kayo are agents that you don’t need to master and played on several maps only. So it doesn’t make sense. Best Kayo in the game? No man

Phoenix & Neon are just hard entry agents. Any tier 1 entry can master them easily.

Reyna, Chamb, Yoru, Gekko are just irrelevant and doesn’t deserve to mention.

posted about a year ago

I love to see at Brazil at this point. Remember when NA and EU were malding about BR slots on masters? BR were bad at that point, much worse than NA and EU, but Riot slightly supported region by slots knowing that Brazil has talents and potential to grow. Now Brazil owning Americas and have decent viewerships.
I just want riot do the same with Denmark and North EU as well bcz they definitely have talents (from cs), they just need some representation and time to grow. I don’t even talk about china and their slots, ffs rito, they support china but don’t support North EU

posted about a year ago

Yes but Gambit hasn’t viewers either till they won Masters Berlin. Danish and Swede players are better than Spanish for sure, just look what Danes do in cs. Since NIP or Astralis win some titles they will have insane viewership. And there is zero chance KOI, heretics or Giants win masters with Spanish players.

posted about a year ago

NIP and Astralis are big orgs with fanbases in Scandinavian countries. Don’t you guys think North EU must have tier 1 representation in Valorant?

posted about a year ago

Aspas? Not good with raze
Derke? Not good with raze

posted about a year ago
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