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Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: September 5, 2024 at 12:38 PM
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they said if they do go full NA everyone like a hypothetical situation...
if they were gonna go full NA it would be eeiu and marved/zander
Canada supremacy basically

posted 11 months ago

This is false sentinels make their roster moves mid season

posted 11 months ago

bro def got offered the 1 million (maybe more) that yay could've gotten last year

posted 11 months ago
  • refused to cooperate with the investigation - Riot's investigation btw
  • dropped the case because of constant harrassment - the victim dropped it cause of 'mental health issues'
  • you prolly remember the audio right, well she said she had the whole thing and not just that 10s snipet, that alone would've won her court or done something, innocent till proven guilty bro don't go believing every girl on the internet.
  • and dont act like everyone forgot when he came back, when sintraa was playing with shaz, shaz's community was sending lots of hate and shit and they were unable to play with each other

One thing I can say is that they had a toxic relationship and he was a shitty boyfriend.

posted 11 months ago

ye and sen almost beat them with tenz who was almost dead mentally and physically and fucking dephh

posted 11 months ago

xeppa had been playing bad, leaf didn't turn up when it mattered (he still cracked), zellsis is solid but not the best

posted 11 months ago

your source?

posted about a year ago

Everyone wanted tl vs sen for the scream vs tenz matchup sadly never happened in that tournament

posted about a year ago

how 114 assits only way I can think of, is team damage yourselves then healing everyone

posted about a year ago

I'm pretty sure he wasn't the one who made the role changes

posted about a year ago

imagine haven is 5th map, the score is 2-2 and the comp they cook up has neon and yoru in it...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i agree

posted about a year ago

that would not happen and if that did victor would leave as well

posted about a year ago

bang use to play initiator, johnqt mains sentinel and zander mains controller all I'm doing is making one role swap compared to the two he's making

posted about a year ago

put bang on Initiator, john on sen and zander on controller and it looks way better

posted about a year ago

bro started watching in 2022

posted about a year ago

because they won americas and skipped groups

posted about a year ago

i dont think he is a top 10 initiator

posted about a year ago

but he didn't even do that good on initiator

posted about a year ago

yeah somehow I skipped him like a blindass

posted about a year ago

How about an igl?
edit: nvm Im dumb

posted about a year ago

how do you block ive got the extension but I can't see no block button
edit: nvm found it

posted about a year ago

Riot confirmed that they would remove the second place curse after franchising

posted about a year ago

There isn't a fixed meta on rn, harbour viper isn't played, and unique comps are being played more and more

posted about a year ago

Thank you I went in big with zeta came out bigger

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

all they need is fnatic to have sick players and no more new strats

posted about a year ago

texture was quite inconsistent on jett, his kj looked better

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

i love how sliggy just has no reaction to this

posted about a year ago

yeah idk about the new guy but qck looked really good

posted about a year ago

honestly sym isn't at the top, he's good but there are clear upgrades imo

posted about a year ago

Pancc asked a minor for inappropriate pictures and ntk beat his gf

posted about a year ago

she took it out of context for all we know it could be some weird kinky shit, she also said she had the whole video with the full context but she never presented it in court or anywhere

posted about a year ago

what did he say

posted about a year ago

skye ult, imagine being chased by three green blobs that are faster than you and follows you everywhere

posted about a year ago

change your bonkar flairs to scarz flairs for this one match

posted about a year ago

6700 XT, 12gb of vram, great performance and with a good price, although you might need to remove all your drivers and download new amd ones, good only if you just game
'But since you do blender i recommend 3060 ti, also you wont need to remove all your drivers and you can stay in your nvidia ecosystem, the performance between 6700 xt and 3060 ti is very minimal so just hop onto that

posted about a year ago

yep this one will last you

posted about a year ago

respect you even though you ain't paying nobody

posted about a year ago

from apac orgs..

posted about a year ago

but notice how no org wants him and his reputation is forever tainted without the case being fully solved and verdict coming from it

posted about a year ago
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