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Last post: September 15, 2024 at 4:03 AM
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im a sen and tenz fan, and i would do anything for skrossi to replace tenz, he just better

posted 5 months ago

We did has been performing so well last year and this year, Rossy and gov did good in apac tier 1 we did next

posted 5 months ago

ik that but op made me think she was getting like 30k+ views which would be sen/tenz fans. Otherwise yeah she managed to turn curious tenz fans into her own fans respect to her for that.

posted 5 months ago

Tenz the most popular pro
Kydae in relationship with tenz
tenz cant stream cause he playing the match
tenz fans go to kydae because that is the closest to tenz they can get who is streaming

posted 5 months ago

turtle troop looking kinda stakced, with corey and bdog and stellar in

posted 5 months ago

He is going to be insane

posted 5 months ago

that was last yr m8...

posted 5 months ago

connections>, in esports especially

posted 5 months ago

honestly he just happy to be there, I would too ngl. Most clouted streamers on one call and they your friends

posted 5 months ago

ye no one mocks tarik

posted 5 months ago

just let me believe in my own delusions bro

posted 5 months ago

ye 50-50, autumn and life both on a good day could take it from them

posted 5 months ago

im gon give them bod for language barrier, plus life is cracked

posted 5 months ago

talk good about fpx, talk good about autumn yes

posted 5 months ago

i dont trust fpx one bit, but im supporting them all the way lmao

posted 5 months ago

he was awesome against loud when he went back to intiator, had ok games after that

posted 5 months ago

can't im sen fan, but from oce fpx gotta win

posted 5 months ago

we waited so long for this, ima cry and scream and yell and shout and fall into an abyss of darkness with no escape if they don't win this tournament

posted 5 months ago

s0m hasnt touched gekko or johnqt tenz has done both yes, good.

posted 5 months ago

True and I did my own investigation and found him not guilty. Use me as a source I don’t mind

posted 5 months ago

Pls fpx win

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

whole game or one map

posted 5 months ago

they allowed sen best map and had a relatively close lotus match, sen better but kc trolling with map picks

posted 5 months ago

geng will win 2-1

posted 5 months ago

not an ocean maybe a river

posted 5 months ago
doesnt matter zellsis accepts the chalenge

posted 5 months ago

what 💀

posted 5 months ago

who cares its nice seeing so much passion for this game

posted 5 months ago

Just go worship skrossi, it’s more fun that way

posted 5 months ago

so they can delude u into thinking th is good, then they start playing properly and destroy the fortnite nepo team

posted 5 months ago

heavy addiction to games or anything thats considered waste of time like social media, music etc is prohibited

posted 5 months ago

if they muslim not eat pork thats why majority dont eat pork

posted 5 months ago

retardiss, y0y and t0nz the best ones, honourable mention: semen1

posted 5 months ago

fuck off cunt, ruining my rep more by having that sen flair

posted 5 months ago

they put the girls away for ramadan

posted 6 months ago

he led the guard to win 2023 ascension bud

posted 6 months ago

Link the clips of boaster crying I wanna be temperorily mad at him for no reason

posted 6 months ago

his only NA trait is his BMI, is wild lol

posted 6 months ago

only if they listened to shaz in 2022 lcq

posted 6 months ago

minimum salary is not big bag to pancada

posted 6 months ago

like fns or s0m r going to join

posted 6 months ago

s0m was the best player on nrg last year, I would say they are equal right now based on tenz's performance recently and s0m's insane performance last year but tenz can overtake s0m with future tournaments

posted 6 months ago

bench? what tf is happening in vlr oce cc? Are good teams playing in official valorant tournaments?

posted 6 months ago

fair enough then if u r correct

posted 6 months ago

moose and runi were trialing with them

posted 6 months ago

they probably got rid of their nrg or eg flairs, and put on the new top NA team. I mean im all in for new fans for the team i raised, coached and grew myself but people who switch lanes constantly annoy me, especially when they talk shit about a team they were just supporting.

posted 6 months ago

how many fucking sen fans bruh... Get tf outta here bandwagoners.

posted 6 months ago

Bro got him on that team, wippie prolly chill with it and I wouldnt be surprised if he asked before wippie before saying what he said

posted 6 months ago

thanks anyways lol, how does one post of mine be able to total more than half the downvotes i have

posted 6 months ago
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