Flag: United States
Registered: April 29, 2022
Last post: March 1, 2025 at 1:22 AM
Posts: 35

like regardless of performance on either player does anyone know why t1 has been swapping them out?

posted 2 days ago

do they have visas yet? are we getting the NA squad?

posted 1 month ago

from what i've heard (and seen on his vlr stats) he's pretty good at both jett and raze too, probably can make it work

runner was definitely meh last year but after his role swap to initiator during the recent off season tournaments he's looked pretty decent so im holding out hope, GX definitely looks pretty solid

posted 2 months ago

irl friends :/

posted 6 months ago

notoriously all top teams NEVER drop a map against a worse team and it is a clean 2-0 every single time, how could i have been so foolish

posted 7 months ago

ah yes because EG last year had the absolute highest firepower and talent with all of their players and they just shot heads their way to a championship. lets be fr what made EG great last year wasn't their firepower it was their ability to adapt, their timeouts, and making great use of their ults with either set plays or on the fly planning. this year, while some of their players aren't doing as well EVERYONE has had super clutch moments, and derrek and jawg have been looking like god's gift to valorant at times.

posted 8 months ago

take me by the hand

posted 9 months ago

qck catching strays lmaooooo

posted 9 months ago

I mean to be honest g2 has looked pretty good without net... icy could definitely do better tho

posted 10 months ago

last year they had a lot of role issues with pancada barely being able to play smokes, and people were saying there were language barriers. both of them are definitely able to play with a team there was probably just a lot going on behind the scenes.

posted 10 months ago

now i didn't watch cs but didnt literally everyone agree that mechanics weren't his problem? more along the lines of teamplay and such, and that his mechanics were actually really good?

posted 10 months ago

i love how the OP was immediately proven right within 20 minutes of this being posted lmao

posted 10 months ago

i honestly dont hate it that looks like a solid roster it would just depend on the coaches

posted 10 months ago

the VCT season was about to start 2 weeks ago, his talks with furia would've happened during the off season not right before kickoff.

posted 11 months ago

this, the map has been in the game since beta and has received little to no changes the entire time. thank you loud and prx for making the map exciting ong

posted 11 months ago

Ethan/Leo - they're both so fuckin good i cant choose
Demon1/Aspas - shoot good. monke go brrrrr.

posted 11 months ago

what have teams been running on icebox? I've seen some double controller/double initiator, but I cant think of what is good, yk?

posted about a year ago

brother look at their fucking page on VLR it says they dropped everyone

posted about a year ago

both shadow and kamo were dropped november 1st. wolfen left january 7th and trexx left just yesterday.

posted about a year ago

their team page says 3, u right tho. they definitely are just built like that and will win champs with 3

posted about a year ago

they got three players???????? kickoff is in two weeks

posted about a year ago

i'd say

  1. aspas
  2. demon1
  3. zekken
  4. leaf
  5. keznit

in terms of pure firepower i think keznit is higher than leaf but leaf has such a wide agent pool and good comms so i think he brings more to a team. aspas and demon1 are a toss up but aspas had more of a presence in matches so he goes up top. zekken is kinda just good, i think leaf could be above him tho.

posted about a year ago

cough cough evil geniuses cough cough

posted about a year ago

they didn't have enough time to have all 4 games today be a best of 3. they decided that since elimination would be on the line they would rather have the elimination match be the bo3.

posted about a year ago
  1. potter
  2. alecks
  3. chet
  4. itopata (the guy behind apeks' ascension run, he's working with leviatan now and im expecting pretty good things from him)
  5. frod
posted about a year ago

its generally better if you shoot at the enemies actually

posted about a year ago

i like the roster, its got the old v1 core and OXY is a pretty good talent. i think it could go pretty far, but we'll have to see how the roster works out

posted about a year ago

we not gonna talk about Mr kay/o himself?

posted about a year ago

i saw one for the first time like a month ago, ive been playing since beta. its definitely not common at all, but it definitely should be addressed, especially in higher ranks where it seems way more common

posted about a year ago

Duelist: Keznit (SA)
Flex: Forsaken (APAC)
Sentinel: Nats (EMEA)
Initiator: Nobody (CN)
Smokes/IGL: Boostio (NA)

posted about a year ago

I'd say they look better than navi, but they have yet to play against some of the good teams except EG. If they make it to playoffs we'll have to see how they do. They definitely have the potential to upset some top tier teams

posted about a year ago

you aren't allowed to talk during tech pauses in valorant either

posted about a year ago

i think they forgot to take their meds

posted about a year ago

IGL: Boaster
Duelist: Tacolilla
Sentinel: Boostio
Recon: Zest
Flash: Invy

posted about a year ago