Flag: Canada
Registered: April 30, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 2:25 PM
Posts: 36

Make a VITA/BIG colored shorty skin and the finisher should be like a mural of twisten or signature of twisten

posted about a year ago

Idk ab champs contender, Yays sort of having an agent identity crisis. Dude has the aim to be absolutely great, but hes not a hard entry like Zekken or Demon1 or Aspas. Yays impact came from the fact that he can win his duels and get out of dodge for free on defense and on offense he can do his own thing and find his own duals and win them instead of having to play a role the whole team depends on him for. Chamber was great because he could take any dual he wanted penalty free and on attack he could go with the team if he wanted or go take a dual somewhere else on the map and not make it a 4v5 instantly because he can get out. No agent atm offers him that versatility of being able to have a get out of jail free card as well as being not essential to most attack strategies and being in the meta comps like Chamber was. Also like while the IGL is important, I think Yay will need to do a lot of work this offseason to either work on becoming that entry jett/raze player, or learn how to take the duals that make him so good on an agent that doesnt have a get out of jail free card.

posted about a year ago

It was, Twisten had a history of being depressed/self harm. He made a recovery a while back after he had a bad episode but then he started living alone and I think it just got to him. Very sad, everyone knows him as being a happy guy with a passion for the game but whats on the face of a man is not whats inside them. :(

posted about a year ago

I'm just gonna say this now and I'm not gonna argue with you because everyone else seems to understand that point of view that you are arguing against. When people say the word apparently in American english, they mean that they don't really know or just recently learned that fact of information. So when you said "worst player in the team but apparently he was the main igl so bad loss ig", people read it as Stewie is the worst player on the team, but he was the main igl of the team so bad loss ig". The Webster definition of the word "apparently", is in formal english, but your usage (especially with the terrible grammar that you used) makes the word "apparently" sound as if you are saying "I just recently learned that" instead of the "im not sure but I heard" like you are saying.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. truth wasn't released a day after the post, it was a rumor and therefore these people are just sheep who believe anything that someone says.
  2. They are shit talking someone based on a rumor that was not proven and that person also just happens to be one of the best NA csgo players and does not deserve any of this hate.
posted about 2 years ago

Idk if valorant has answered this question but why is the b main box in Ascent not marked on minimap or the map? Its not like its too small, same box is in A main.

posted about 2 years ago

it was a joke by rossy and georgeg is a monkey****

posted about 2 years ago people really dont get jokes lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Still means u dont fact check anything and believe in rumors by georgeg lmfao

posted about 2 years ago

Stfu bozo u don’t do any research and no one wants ur opinion.

posted about 2 years ago

cry is always free

posted about 2 years ago

Kinda crazy how u say that yet Indonesia has the same Age-adjusted comparative prevalence of diabetes percentage as the United States with a way smaller population, also Ocky isnt a native American but ok

posted about 2 years ago

neva neva neva

posted about 2 years ago

That’s the joke bud

posted about 2 years ago

Yea it isnt and Ban has American citizenship so its just unlucky, not like it matters too much for T1 tho the only other non korean player they had was thwifo but hes not like full full korean so they dont care ab their import spots

posted about 2 years ago

Homie foxy was already signed

posted about 2 years ago

Optic has scandals and uncertain ownership

posted about 2 years ago

Dude u just aren’t thinking, the teams aren’t franchised by performance (past a certain point) they were franchised because those teams either A have a lot of money or B they have a good social status in esports and can help to develop and make competition thrive. Optic does not have even close to the resources EG has atm and EG has so much more money

posted about 2 years ago

Nice bait

posted about 2 years ago

Checked his val tracker, i get unbanned in 4 days, wanted to see if they gave him a week ban

posted about 2 years ago

Checked his val tracker, i get unbanned in 4 days, wanted to see if they gave him a week ban

posted about 2 years ago

deserved that i get a 2x longer ban for only saying bad words while he gets 9 less days of a ban for being toxic, saying bad words, and throwing, and being afk?

posted about 2 years ago

thats the full story if u needed it ig

posted about 2 years ago

I called him a "retard" and he called our whole team "fucking idiots" and "retards" and "retarded"

posted about 2 years ago

I get a 2 week ban for calling out this thrower/afk/toxic inter and being toxic to him so he would stop talking trash to my team and i get a 2 week ban.

This guy who was bottom of the scoreboard throwing, afk, and being toxic to the team only gets a 5 day ban.

wtf is this ban system man.

Riot believes that those who say bad things are worse than those who throw and also say bad things ig
tl:dr i got 2 week ban for calling out someone who was toxic/throwing and the toxic thrower only got a 5 day ban

posted about 2 years ago

Got banned for saying a bad word, wasnt ab a person but i called a play a bad word, got 2 week banned, the bad word was used on a toxic guy who was flaming whole team, toxic guy got banned, want an unban.

posted about 2 years ago

I didnt report him at first then when i got banned i reported him and got him banned

posted about 2 years ago

Immortal lmao nt

posted about 2 years ago

yea i got a 24 hr ban for leaving in spike rush lmao

posted about 2 years ago

i didnt call him a retard i called the play that he made retarded

posted about 2 years ago

So i was playing a normal ranked game right. I was playing chamber, absolutely carrying my team, I was 29/16/3. closest teamate was 22/18/6. On Bind, we had a Raze who was being toxic and braindead, (Immortal elo, used to it). Homie thinks the only way to hold A site is maintain shower control and give up site, u haul, tank. For example, playing b site I had my tps set up for rotate in spawn. They commed planting A so I tp, I die to a kid pushed in spawn and the Raze in shower got killed right after, lost the round. I start getting angry (typing in chat cause it was like 6am didnt want to wake the fam up). I typed "retard" once, didnt even call the raze a retard, I was lurking and got a double and got my team a free site and this Raze starts talking shit ab how my kills have no impact, while he on the other hand just ran it down hooka and died to a judge in hooka. I said in chat "at least im not retard running it down in hooka and dying" and now I have been stuck with a 2 week vc ban which means no comp q. On the other hand I did get this Raze banned for presumably longer. Im still banned though. It makes sense yet is infuriating. I'm sweating my ass off trying hard asf to win the game and we have a toxic Raze on our team (calling people out for being bad, trying to igl when he was just doing stupid plays, also finished the game 10/19/9 btw). Im just angry Im stuck here with a 2 week comp ban for being toxic to a toxic teamate who was flaming our whole team because his plan of "braindead monkey hold showers to take A site" wasnt working. I feel like I should get unbanned or a reduced ban for this based on my situation, too bad val wont let u submit a ban req and all u get when u do is a bot message. tl:dr Got banned for saying a bad word, wasnt ab a person but i called a play a bad word, got 2 week banned, the bad word was used on a toxic guy who was flaming whole team, toxic guy got banned, want an unban.

posted about 2 years ago

Shaz also just posted a Twitter pic of team in lobby kanpeki ain’t there

posted about 2 years ago

kanpeki is getting dropped btw

posted about 2 years ago