Flag: United States
Registered: February 5, 2022
Last post: March 22, 2022 at 9:01 PM
Posts: 9


posted about 2 years ago

Be my guest

posted about 3 years ago

The whole meme about EC1S being on the plane longer than he was actually in 100t has some truth to it if you look at matchtime. Doing some 1st grade math, the total playtime of official matches that he has had during his time at 100T between the 2 games between C9 - 1 hr 47 min and the GAURD - 1 hr 49 is about 3 hrs 36 min of total official match time. The average flight from London to Houston is 9 hours 30 mins. 9:30>3:36. So yes, EC1S spent more time on the plane to Houston than he did in official matches.

Feels bad. Gl to him.

posted about 3 years ago

Ninja, ninja, ninja, ninja again, and benjyfishy

posted about 3 years ago

Idek what to think anymore lmfao. Whoever is up there in the 100T higher ups making decisions needs to be drug tested. I lowkey blame all this on the absolutely terrible 2022 jerseys they have, ever since they released those jerseys the org has been... questionable.

-entire Val roster

+5 fortnite players as Val roster

posted about 3 years ago

Imo, drop the entire roster l and pick up T1 Coach DD8, Sinatra, tenz, TenZ again, and fortnite player NRG Benjyfishy. That team got some real fragging power, and I could see them beating first strike winners 100theibes

posted about 3 years ago

I've been playing Valorant for about a year and a half now, during this time I've gotten my fair share of experience under my belt. During this year and a half I ended up getting diamond 3 and everything was going well! However, after this recent act changes to the competitive queue of the game, i've noticed that the competitive ranking system has been terrible. Now I don't mean that lightly, I actually mean that this game's competitive rank system is god awful. Now you might be wondering what happened to me get to have this severe change of mindset, to think that this game is the worst thing that's ever happened to FPS gaming in history. I have gone from diamond one iron to in the span of 72 hours. Now this might sound troll, or fake, or untrue however I promise you this is real. My question for this game is will we ever see a change in the competitive queue standards that plague this game's ranking system today?! I blame every single loss I have on my teammates incompetence or blatantly low IQ. Riot games, please fix your game! Or I will no longer be buying radianite.

posted about 3 years ago