Flag: Australia
Registered: October 13, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 12:11 PM
Posts: 31

Give him some time to ease into it. Color casting is really hard to do when the hype caster is as good as Doug is.

posted 8 months ago

absolutely crazy. updated.

posted 8 months ago

the bonus conversions this final are absolutely insane. 8/10 (80%) times the team winning pistol round, also wins the third round.
(6/8 [75%] if we ignore geng's 14th round throw on breeze and the icebox b2b thrifties)

also, all but one of these conversions is from geng. bonus gods

in comparison, geng vs sen finals had 2/10 (20%) conversions

posted 8 months ago

case is only relevant for PSU and motherboard. (sometimes cooler too but ur 400C should comfortably fit it.

posted 8 months ago

one of their worst maps iirc? tbf heretics aren't comfy on split either

posted 8 months ago

split is a marginally worse map for gen g too. brace urselves for a shitshow from both sides

posted 8 months ago

Lotus is still a strong map for GG and both teams are kinda mid on split

posted 8 months ago

keep in mind that prx is going to be 2nd place anyways so they're deciding who they want the sixth team to be
if they want to face rrq again then they'll just throw/save strats, if they wanna thrash gen g again they can tryhard

posted about a year ago

Agree on mechanics and mental, but feel like they fall behind in terms of util usage because they're not competitively exposed to new metas or how other regions play.

In terms of experience, they're actually not bad. Ten and Dep were both Overwatch players, Sugarzero was R6S, and Laz/crow were from arguably the top JP csgo team Absolute, which had basically been together since 2015. (the original Zeta roster was literally the core 5 players of Absolute, plus makiba as a sub)

posted about 2 years ago

can't wait to see how well FNC play with Derke back on server.

legit convinced Xerxia will win again. Chet's comments convinced me that Optic hasn't learned their lessons and won't improve much beyond a few comp changes and improved coordination.

posted about 2 years ago

will most likely be a rematch anyways. FNC might be down a bit without derke but hiber is doing his job as a duelist and should do the job vs. Zeta. If NIP win it's a FNC vs VS rematch from last champions
(and our KR bois need redemption)

posted about 2 years ago

Going to be exciting as hell to watch. My money's on DRX, but if NIP pull off a win I legit won't be surprised. Good luck to both teams ^^

posted about 2 years ago

fair enough, jing literally got added in as the lcq started so probably just growing pains. mindfreak improved a lot as well, hopefully this version of prx gets super competitive ;D

posted about 2 years ago

Feel like what happened to Sentinels is also happening with Optic. Yes they changed their strats to be a bit more util focused but gameplay wise haven't changed that much from Champions. Post-match crws said Xerxia basically played the way they normally do and Optic haven't changed all that much.

Optic by no means trash team, but other regions are catching up.

posted about 2 years ago

way too early to call. Yes, the APAC teams are looking really strong, but so do the EMEA and KR representatives. I'm really curious to see how much they've changed as a team - during last year's LCQ, PRX with forsaken/jing placed 5-6th alongside F4Q, losing to a JP and KR team.

posted about 2 years ago

There's no doubt this is an improved JP roster, the question is more whether or not they can keep pace with the rest of the world which is also evolving. sugarzero, tenn and dep were crazy good pickups

posted about 2 years ago

this aged well (tbh I expected it to be closer but ¯_(ツ)_/¯)

posted about 2 years ago

ggwp. so damn close, but couldn't ask for a better way out. good luck to the ID teams, y'all cracked

posted about 2 years ago

TSM - cutler + boaster

TSM val domination guaranteed

posted about 3 years ago

Firm believer here in the Seoldam supremacy ;P I'm high asf on hopium btw but predictions:

Upper Bracket Final: NTH 2-1 FS
I'm favouring Northeption here considering their performance over PRX chefs kiss
Honestly hoping this goes for three maps, I'd love to see 3 close maps of Seoldam/JohnOlsen getting clip after clip after clip

Lower Bracket R3 #1: PRX 2-0 DK
I'm not too convinced Damwon has what it takes to pull a map off Paper Rex. They lost to Global, and their two wins have been over a JP team and bottom SEA seed. The maps should be close though.

Lower Bracket R3 #2: NU 2-1 F4Q
This is a tough one. I'm favouring NU since we've yet to see hyeoni really pop off so far. Kinda disappointed to see Bunny off his signature Raze, but in the end both teams should be pretty familiar with each other, so it should go to 3 maps.

Lower Bracket R4: PRX 2-1 NU
Nuturn will definitely have a much better showing vs. Paper Rex compared to their match vs. Full Sense. (inhales hopium) hyeoni is a bit of an unknown variable imo. Was going to predict 2-0 to PRX but I've left it at a tentative 2-1.

Lower Bracket Final: PRX 2-1 FS
The two 13-0 teams. Looking at their history they've been back and forth, it should be really close. Pegging PRX to win it but it could really go either way.

Finals: NTH 3-1 PRX
This is going to be ridiculously close. NTH might have gone 2-0 in their previous encounter, but the maps were so close (14-12, 13-11). SEOLDAM SUPREMACY ASDASDASDASDASD NTH will take one of PRX's map picks and two of their own to win 3 maps.

posted about 3 years ago

Kinda surprised, I think a lot of people (myself included) are watching F4Q to see Bunny's raze in action. A bit bummed to miss out on it, and it feels like they're copping a hit to performance. wanted to see korean raze vs korean jett ;-;

posted about 3 years ago

we've got the mighty DickStacy, I think that's enough for our region >:D

posted about 3 years ago

surely if GE played on 10ms less ping, they would have won all the gun fights and it would have been 13-0 13-0, ez 2-0 for GE

EDIT: do I really need to add a '/s' to this?

posted about 3 years ago

sir, the world is not ready yet for North Korean Raze

posted about 3 years ago

wouldn't go as far as to call it iconic. it's definitely significant, this was his first match and it kinda silenced any doubts that people had about the fresh face to TL. all the best to TL, hope they perform well against guild >:D

posted about 3 years ago

bit too early to call - RC (JP) completely surprised me by taking a map off FS (SEA) (on their map pick too). As you mentioned Nth is doing really well, and if seol/meiy/sugar can maintain the same form vs GE/F4Q in lower bracket I can totally see them getting to lower bracket finals. (hoping their match vs PRX tmr goes for 3 maps)

F4Q, assuming they beat GE, will have to face Nth again most likely, so they're probably out. I'm not ready to discount DK yet, they pulled off some pretty good performances in KR playoffs (hell, they beat nuturn) and kinda pumped to see if they can redeem themselves vs. Boom.

posted about 3 years ago

Too early to call, but still not looking good considering Bind is RC map pick. Curious to see if they can take more rounds in second half, though Damwon was the favorite coming into this match
edit: nvm, rip rc ;-;

posted about 3 years ago