He is just trying to confirm the kill, too used to spraying. It doesnt feel right to him if his mag isnt empty after a kill
Flag: | Poland |
Registered: | April 21, 2023 |
Last post: | March 2, 2025 at 11:54 AM |
Posts: | 823 |
He is just trying to confirm the kill, too used to spraying. It doesnt feel right to him if his mag isnt empty after a kill
I disagree watching bleed is REALLY funny. Also it kinda proves my point that nobody can defend g2 so they just attack my flair.
Yeah they play better than bleed but bleed is more fun to watch cause they just trip over their own legs and throw.
I hate watching this team, they play insanely slow, all of them spray and pray and play for body shots. No exciting highlights no cool plays no nothing, genuinely incredibly boring team.
Saying c0m is equal to Leo is disrespectful and I think even c0m would disagree. Mechanically c0m is just not there
Assuming this is genuine: Miniboo couldnt play at shanghai and patitek is their sub.
Imagine being the loser who downvotes all the o7's for FPX, get a grip!
o7 very entertaining series, FPX has insane potential but their players are mostly feast or famine. Rooting for them
Wdym he treats people horribly? I know he makes jokes at people's expense but that's because they know eachother and that's just how their humour works.
I think wo0t is insane but its only been 1 game against the (arguably) worst team at the event
9:30, why tf is every vlr user with a polish flair outside of Poland, I know some people like how this flag works with flairs but I have barely seen any bobers living in the country here.
I have never been paid out from one of these, don't expect to be here either just commenting to remember your name and shame you in every thread after you fail to fulfil your promise 😙
this valoplant does not explain anything it's just a fucking breach floating in space outside of the map. I don't really get what is being said either, reword the question and give a functioning valoplant
Don't ever disrespect my japanese twink like that, yoru is a great secondary duel and on some maps like breeze and icebox he has the strongest get out of jail free cards. Tping out of tunnel after pushing on defence or tping back into main on A and B are great on breeze. On icebox he can push jail get one and tp away, same with deep b main and basically every spot on the map (I watched a derke yoru vod on icebox and have only lost 1 game since (people trolled the comp after I locked yoru and some guy went triple negative, still topfragged easily and almost won us the game))
Neon also isn't that bad, the learning curve is just very steep. Look at Minibok tho.
Iso, phoenix and reyna kinda blow though ngl
Operating with what we have benjy benjyfishy fish just clears him, we can't just say that because a stat is unknown its gotta be great
I don't really get it. My fortnite goat had better stats than him in a mich more competetive league playing the same role.
They have to get it this time righht...
zawsze jak widzę BringMeTheHorizon tow iem że opinia będzie hujowa :)
typcia chce zeby typ dostał bana za to ze mówili że chce ją zgwałcić, tak ona może go zmutować ale to nie zmienia tego że ktoś powiedział że ją zgwałci i tego że powie to dziesiątkom kolejnych kobiet. Nie rozumiem jaki jest sens bronienia gracza o takiej postawie.
widać że kurwa w szkole mamy 50% obecnośći na styk i przechodzimy z klasy do klasy ledwo :)
Him and monyet were Trying to win 2v5s for GE
I was just about to say, a 120 or 115 is very possible
hey guys I love consuming this slop, it's better than your slop and actually the fact that you like other slop makes you a bad person!!!!!!!!!!!!!
slurp slurp slurp
chlop schlop schlop schlop
Let people enjoy their slop and accept that tastes differ.
I am https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Tundra%2390210/overview >:)
Only in dia/asc though ':)
Carry on reyna = average
Carry on support = goat
He is American and came to Brazil to play on LOUD and because of his gf
Astra cause I can put up insane stats whilst giving supporting utility, it's like a nice combo of stun initiator + smoker with global util. I relaised that I should play her because locking jett and dropping 20+ kills is something most players can do pretty consistently in ranked, but doing the same on smokes is quite uncommon.
Exactly, less choked against 100T so LOUD will probably let him.go.without a buyout, Less has also famously emmigrated from the US in 2021 in order to secure a spot on prime LOUD and his English has always been way better than his Portugese as it is his first language.
nobody on furia has a star xd, i was just having a discussion with my friend chill out man
Don't let this disgusting b0aster scoreline distract you from the fact that enzo literally became a human drone after losing the odin
iirc he is Christian, I rememeber somebody asked him if he was Muslim dueing one of his streams last year and he respectfully said so.
edit: I found a TL article where he says he is Christian
Spray patterns are lame, I like games that encourage aiming clamly andngoing for precision and not just crouching and relying on muscle memory
Yeah and then when you try to explain to them what they are doing wrong they get all aggressive and shit even though they don't understand what they are doing and why they are doing it
I've never seen a clove who actually plays a smoker well, they are all ex duel mains who like the idea of an overheal but are too scared to lock Reyna. They etiher:
Throw the most awful oneways I've seen in my life, literally one waying teammates
Give smokes that are so past the choke that they benefit defenders, everytime I play ascent or split witha clove they give smokes that allow defenders to just walk from ct/screens into site
Have no creativity and throw the most default insta smokes before the hit even starts, never use smokes when clutching or to isolate angles in a man disatvantage situation.
Also the ults I have seen from people are absolutely disgusting, legit just giving away orbs out there.
I hope this shit is true and he gets prosecuted, I have always disliked him and now I have even more concrete reasons.
I don't think so ... Drake has had a lot of allegations in the past but they have been swept under the rug because he is a superstar.
Kendrick went the fuck in. He is way more fuckign serious, reminds me of this shit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-eJSHoH9Fs.
Also the allegations are scary for Kendrick too, hopefully we'll see who is telling the truth (for me Kendrick is innocent til proven guilty but Drake is guilty til proven innocent)
bait or mental hospital, you decide!
I left it up to interpretation, can be read as y0y, y1y, yay , y619y, anything you can imagine
At this point everyone (at least on this forum) has acknowledged that he is not a great player, if a player is a "must have" for your overrated players list then he simply is not overrated.
An overrated player is supposed to be someone who is thought to be better than he is in actuality, not the fucking most bullied guy on vlr (next to my boy yxy)
That guy is so ass at anything that requires any aim at all. Legit JAIL valorant being played
I wasnt watching the game how the fuck did they get a 12/0 lead????