Flag: Russia
Registered: February 10, 2022
Last post: November 10, 2023 at 6:42 AM
Posts: 32

but as i can tell according to other regions' franchises rosters dont actually matter, so lets see. i think like 90% of the lpl tags will get into the valo pro scene

posted about a year ago

i think bilibili will also get in the franchise because of the value this org actually has in the lpl, as well with jdg and wbg. not sure about ig, but there is an actual possibility because ig's ceo is son of the basically richest man in china as i know (not sure about that one)
there are too many different orgs in china and trying to guess which ones will get into the franchise (and lets mind actual strength of the tags and not the rosters) is too hard xd

and now with lgd also having valorant team it became even harder omfg

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

in EDG, ASE and BLG we trust

posted about a year ago

i cant believe this is actually real. EDG tokyo masters winners arc?

posted about a year ago

what has ma boi commited omg O_o

posted about a year ago

nahhh but T1 logo is so good first time ever it reminded me some racing car idk why
but everything else i totally agree with (shoutout to prx designers, love logo and jerseys)

posted about a year ago

heart says 2-0 edg win, brain says 1-2 tl win. lets see (also chichoo’s dream came true, playing against nats gl lil bro!)

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

havent used vlr gg comments that much, only watched games results xd

posted about a year ago

you really deserve! i hope riot will make cn franchise league after valorant releases officially

posted about a year ago

tbh i would really like to see edg\prx game, something and kangkang are both mad jett players with insane movement, it will be so exciting and interesting to watch and i would like to see how edg can play against much stronger ones

posted about a year ago

thats what i was talking about since istanbul champions and a lot of people didnt take my words seriously back then. because of 'isolation' cn teams can pull out such unique strats and the fact that there are almost no vods of local china tournaments make EDG and ASE really powerful opponents. talking about champions 2022, not only kangkang has improved a lot but also edg's teamwork. and i was SO happy to see smoggy on jett (like good old times) on bind. like even on fgc 2023 act 2 finals i messaged in chat something like "everyone get ready to watch them destroy masters group stage" and they really did.

support cn valorant for mental health and clean skin <3 EDGWIN!!!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

cn teams are still underdogs on global tournaments and according to their vods from recent fgc their teamplay has gone so much better and kangkang’s game sense and aim really improved from lock//in

posted about a year ago

so true! like how teams from one region are supposed to get better when they dont even get a chance to play globally? well remember me when cn will take their first champions hehe

posted about a year ago

and i am talking about russian-speaking fanbase because back then i didnt use twitter or even vlr gg comments xd

posted about a year ago

im talking about fanbase recognition, english is not my first language so i may not express my thoughts correctly, sorry for this one. i have been a big fan of cn valorant since fgc 2022 act 1 and was really excited when edg won asia champions lcq and got a slot. but all i saw from russian-speaking fanbase was only something like 'useless region'. same with lock//in when edg and fpx were announced, people just wanted more slots for their emea favs haha. i am glad that riot is developing chinese stage step by step and i hope it will become the same as chinese dota was before

posted about a year ago

finally cn teams getting some recognition on the global stage!!! full hopium on edg and kangkang, he destroyed fgc and will destroy masters group stage

posted about a year ago

Team Liquid хорошая команда, им нехватает лишь поработать над индивидуальной игрой, выбором агентов, раскидкой, аимом , постановкой прицела , люрком , вижидаением тайминга , коммуникацией , пониманием карты и они смогут выйграть гамбит.

posted about 3 years ago

first stream = bad quality the same was with masters and champions

posted about 3 years ago