Flag: India
Registered: March 16, 2024
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 10:34 AM
Posts: 7

how exactly did they experience diff them, only sacy and tenz had been in a grand final before, and what was the need to panic and stress about when they had 2 map bans
And before geng in semi finals sen were undefeated too so surely dont give me that shit that geng where better and they just got experienced diffed

posted 9 months ago

I agree with you, geng fan boys crying in corner after their thicc as fuck igl munchkin got humbled

posted 9 months ago

No disrespect but I dont think demon1 will be the first name that comes to mind, its literally tenz coz he as a player might not be demon1 level good anymore but still that man IS the face of valorant not yay not aspas not demon1 its tenz bro has a crazy following also he still holds the record for the highest ACS ever which no one has even come close to touching I feel his name will obviously be included in the hall of fame and then come demon1 and aspas, however I dont feel yay will be considered anymore I do agree with you I feel FNS will be included in the hall of fame but not yay coz FNS atleast qualified to all the international events last year and except for some slip ups did okayyy but yay after FNS is just terrible. So I dont feel yay is cemented right now as hall of fame level coz my man is really having a hard time without the good old chamber =)

posted 10 months ago

ofc lmao me being an indian can tell how why americas valorant is the greatest coz they actually put in efforts whereas fucking indian teams are slacking off whenever possible, SAADHAK is a perfect example, his team changes every fucking year and that guy still finds a way to make loud reach top 5 idk how

on the other hand indian team like GLOBAL ESPORTS is a joke, they are busy building a clout around their name
GE FIGHTING- when GE is not able to acquire more that 5 rounds against low tier teams
THE team is a joke so I dont agree that saadhak is a poor IGL at all.

posted 10 months ago

Wait so what does this mean, will he play instead of monyet ?

posted 10 months ago

bro living in alternate universe

posted 11 months ago

bro went to jesus to predict the maps but got the team wrong

posted 11 months ago