Flag: Brazil
Registered: September 19, 2021
Last post: October 7, 2022 at 11:00 PM
Posts: 32

From what everyone understood, they reassured dapr he was staying, dapr thought he was staying, these are real people with real lives and emotions, not some soulless entities. No matter how you spin it, it is scummy af for an org to do this to a player. If they told him that his place is just as much an uncertainty as anyone else on the team before the off season I'd have no issue.

Saying they didn't take their jobs seriously and therefore deserve this treatment from an outside point of view as someone who knows nothing about the amount of hours they spend prepping, scrimming, vod reviewing, bootcamping all because you see them streaming more than most teams (because they are the most popular NA team) is incredibly ignorant and plain stupid.

Any player from any team deserves better treatment than that.

posted about 2 years ago

An NA team has just beaten a Korean team in an amazing bo5 series and your first thought was to make a thread about EU, you are the epitome of rent free.

posted about 2 years ago

Valorant is in a great position at the moment, where the game is so competitive all games are pretty close. 4 regions remain with 4 teams left. What a time for the esport I hope it continues this way.

I love all the drama between regions, it definitely makes the stakes a lot higher for these games and I think it's fun when it doesn't become too toxic. GG.

posted about 2 years ago

No, and if you could and a team did ff they should disband.

posted about 2 years ago

"We need you to be more consistent" as if having perfect aim on the day is an on/off switch. Soulcas is an exceptional support player with a wide agent pool, even when he's not having his best aim days people who watch the games properly can see the impact he has. It's not all about the amount of kills he finishes on.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm convinced half this website do not understand what it means to be biased. I think they are a bit underwhelming and don't hype things up well enough but in this match I can't understand how you can come to the conclusion that they are biased.

posted about 2 years ago

It's mainly due to the fact that he went from being at the start more of just a site anchor on KJ and viper to being a pure support player on breach and kayo, if he's on agents where he is not purely playing to support his team he will obviously perform better.

posted about 2 years ago

Awful take, 100T with covid had less time to prep for pearl than fnatic and still won that just shows how good they are. New maps make the game more exciting, learn them or ban them.

posted about 2 years ago

Threads like these are why no one takes vlr seriously. Boaster does fine as an IGL, he frags inconsistently but he provides more than just strats to a team and that's what people who have never played in a competitive team don't understand. As an IGL he works very hard has good relations with his teammates, defends and supports his teammates in and out the game and will happily stunt his own fragging potential to support his team on so many occasions as can be seen in interviews and fnatic's videos. People just look at stats and decide - this player + this player without looking at the practicalities. Throwing Redgar into this team who is also used to comming in Russian to his team, will not just instantly make fnatic a better team just because he is mechanically better.

posted about 2 years ago

Isn't it ironic that the NA team that won Iceland; Optic, have the most strategic depth I've seen in NA and play a lot more like an EU team, instead of the classic puggy NA style that prevents NA teams from winning consistently.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm glad notable players are speaking on this because it actually gets through to some of the people here. I understand wanting your team to do well and I get that most the gaming community doesn't care about people's mental but the things I read about shahzam on here are so over the top and unnecessary, he's had to deal with a lot during his time in Valorant and I get his personality may annoy some people but having to log on and see so much hate, not just criticism but actual hate over what you think are bad calls / bad performances can ruin a person.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think EU teams got over-confident at all. TL weren't even expecting to play and they still put up a decent performance in hindsight. Fnatic as you said got unlucky. G2 just got outplayed by regions who are fast improving, nothing about their performance looked like them being over-confident. People trying to take away from EMEA as a region after this can do so, but it's undeniable that the tournament would play out differently if FPX were able to come, and Fnatic could play the roster they've been practicing with.

I think saying EU got over-confident takes away from the fact that other regions have improved vastly.

posted about 2 years ago

Usually I'd refrain from talking shit about casters even if I didn't they were good because I didn't want to add to the hate, but how biased they were today was impossible to ignore. I hope they can commentate without giving in to their biases in the future.

posted about 2 years ago

There's nothing wrong with having fun and joking about, but when you're insulting / calling to drop players immediately after a big loss like this, additionally under unfortunate circumstances it's just unnecessary. If you were someone harmlessly joking and weren't being straight disrespectful then my post doesn't apply to you.

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone taking this ZETA win as an opportunity to shit on one of the most unproblematic teams in Valorant and the performances they've had after playing with 2 subs are strange people.

Great performance from ZETA, they look like they've improved a lot. Really unfortunate circumstances for fnatic, especially Derke, I hope they don't take the loss too hard.

posted about 2 years ago

100% agree. When liquid were 5 - 1 up doing it. no one critiqued it. If anything people were embracing it. Then when Xerxia make a great adjustment instead of saying how good Xerxia's coach and players responded to the double op, people criticise Sliggy.

posted about 2 years ago

Disgraceful amount of copium.

posted about 2 years ago

I think it's a common misconception amongst valorant viewers that every duelist has to be the one hard fragging consistently. Watching how Gambit are playing it's clear that d3ffo's role is to above anything create space for his team to get on to site and any more kills he gets with that is a bonus. I saw a lot of people in chat flaming him for that round where he double satchels into U hall and gets instantly killed, however through him doing that all of Gambit then get the information and run to B where they win a 4v5 because d3ffo hard entrying allowed them to get info quickly buying them enough time to rotate. If he played a more baity duelist style trying to maximise his potential to get kills it would be a completely different round.

posted about 3 years ago

are u wanting tenz cock?

posted about 3 years ago

TL doesn't deserve playoff for trying new comps yet only losing to the arguably 2 best teams in the group, I've seen it all lol. Creativity should be looked down upon I guess.

posted about 3 years ago

Gambit drop a map playing a regular comp, people on this website: "..."

Acend drop a map playing a regular comp, people on this website: "..."

Liquid drop a map playing a unique/different comp, people on this website: "wtf!!! is this meant to be a top team!! wtf he think he smart!! wtf liquid doing!!"

posted about 3 years ago


Regardless of whether you find zombs' sarcasm funny or not, I really can't understand why people are still responding seriously to his obvious trolls. He has been doing this since the beginning of the game.

posted about 3 years ago

Yea I 100% agree he wouldn't be equally good, the game has changed so much since then.

posted about 3 years ago

People are only calling him overrated and diminishing his impact because of the allegations, everyone who watched valorant then knows Sinatraa was arguably the best player in NA at the time.

posted about 3 years ago

Why do you care so much about other regions validation, BR performances speak for themselves you don't need to go around trying to force people to respect them.

posted about 3 years ago

-tenz +cryocells
-zombs +zander

posted about 3 years ago

Comparing a team that won Masters 1 in EU and made it to an international LAN by placing top 3 EMEA to a C9 team that won nothing with TenZ is ludicrous. Calling Acend overrated is calling EMEA overrated excluding Gambit because they are arguably the 2nd best team. Sure they underperformed this tournament, but they are a young team who don't have the experience yet.

  • Anyone who thinks Starxo is overrated doesn't watch Acend play, his impact before and even during some of the games at Berlin is undeniable. Yes cNed is a star player who stands out but him doing what he's supposed to do on his role, getting openings, creating space, and just generally securing multi-frags round after round, doesn't mean the rest of his team aren't being impactful or adding to the success of the team because they aren't near his level in kills.
posted about 3 years ago