Flag: Indonesia
Registered: April 12, 2022
Last post: July 28, 2024 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 87
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This is the better output, honestly. With fennel loss, it gives more opportunity for zeta or dfm to pouch players from fennel.

posted 7 months ago

They still can. Not exactly relegation, but riot will reevaluate their partnership in 4 years I believe. Any team not developing or contributing in that span will be dropped

posted about a year ago

DFM x Fennel next. Aside from meiy, the rest is wack.

posted about a year ago

Honestly, their bracket seems manageable.

posted about a year ago

People think chamber abuser deserved to be called one of the best players in the history of Valorant. Yay pretty much just one trick pony.

posted about a year ago

Riot cheap out on production this year.

posted about a year ago

They need to work with third-party EO. It will be amazing if they can bring ESL, blast, or Dreamhack to the tournament circuit.

posted about a year ago

They need to play two matches today at least, so they don't fuck the schedule that much. The 3rd match can be postponed to tomorrow because there are only 2 matches tomorrow. so they can add an extra one and start early.

posted about a year ago

Fix title : Riot clowns Seoul as host city for Champions 2024

posted about a year ago

Its DOES happen in CS majors, but never this bad. And mostly just tournaments organized by PGL

posted about a year ago

This long tech pause ruin the match, it kills the momentum of each team.

posted about a year ago

The Irishman

posted about a year ago

Boku no pico is untouchable, clear everything.

posted about a year ago

Hope they can get Syouta thought. They should make double controler playstyle, will love that chaos.

posted about a year ago

My boy xcc, glad he given a chance like this. Thanks T1

posted about a year ago

The team as a whole is not an issue, aim, and tactic-wise. It's just that they have a chocker mentality. Need proper psychologists to help them.

posted about a year ago

Drx need a psychologist for sure. they're the biggest choker in val pro team rn.

posted about a year ago

Most player contract will atleast allow team to bench player.

posted about a year ago

They need a true crack player with insane aim I would say, regardless of the role. Their player rn is already inconsistent, they need a replacement that can make a big difference in their firepower. Of course, the other player needs to adjust their role to compensate for it

posted about a year ago

They keep most of their game close in the playoff despite playing with deadweight. We do respect that.

posted about a year ago

Zeta fracture is quite good, last time they play against T1 it was 11-13. Hope they learn a lot from that lost.

posted about a year ago

Pretty much like k0nfig in cs go i would say.

posted about a year ago

Not even a change, they need to rebuild. Start from getting good coach i would say.

posted about a year ago

The thing is they have no reason to try hard anymore. Already guarantee 2nd spot. Pretty much gonna sit out their star player and use this opportunity to test out new stuff. Won't say they gonna throw and give Ez win to Rrq, but at least Rrq might have a better chance.

posted about a year ago

A lot of playoff team will prefer rrq instead of gen.g xd especially T1

posted about a year ago

Prx would throw this to get Rrq into the playoff and throw gen.g under the bus.

posted about a year ago

Nah, they should disband the whole roster and build from scratch. The first step is to get a coach outside of Japan and go with a mix roaster. Adding a Russian player like jenkim might be worth trying

posted about a year ago

I feel so bad for jp caster commenting dfm match, you can hear the pain in their voice actually.

posted about a year ago

Im more of babymetal guy, but im aware they are not for everyone.

A lot of rock & metal band in Japan is quite amazing actually. Japan is a country where rock still thrives in modern music.
Rec : One ok rock, band-maid, LiSA, B'z, SiM, Scandal, Maximum the hormone.

posted about a year ago

One of the best. Just lack consistency I would say.

posted about a year ago

Their call is not that bad actually. Most of the time they get out aim by the opponent. They need firepower more. I will get Syouta instead of Xdll tough, might cause a role clash with Sugarzero but I'm sure they will manage.

posted about a year ago

Honestly, if Zeta didn't make it to Master. They should make a huge change. -crow and -tenn, and replace them with meiy and syouta. Im not sure about the role, but those two is the only promising jp talent rn.

posted about a year ago

Makes me wish we got Crazy Racoon instead of DFM. I'm pretty sure CR won't be this bad. even if they are, at least we got a huge view on stream.

posted about a year ago

Arent Makuhari Messe is an expandable venue? I read somewhere it could expand up to 25k if they use the whole hall. But it's certainly a bad venue for an event like this because the whole venue is just flat. I hope this is Makuhari event hall which is better for watching events (3000~9000 capacity in wiki)

posted about a year ago

prx game style will no longer work as valorant scene getting more mature and other teams get used to their aggression, they certainly need a different approach. they have a similar problem Furia csgo has rn.

posted about 2 years ago

I honestly think that prx game style won't work against zeta. Especially against a team that they skrim often.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm surprised no one picked Astell actually. KR region doesn't lack any skilled players, they lack good IGL. the only reason why DRX is so dominant is because stax has been amazing IGL in Korea for years.

posted about 2 years ago

Either coach or second caller.

posted about 2 years ago

Crossfire, love sniper rifler in that game. they literaly put barreta and VSK as playable sniper weapon. Unfortunately, the company that host the game in my country go bankrupt. So i switch to csgo get bore now here i'm.

posted about 2 years ago

Putting meiy in means he will take depp role as duelist. so they pretty much need depp to learn all crow roles. Which seem doable for me.

posted about 2 years ago

Arent team needs 6 roster minimum? They certainly won't replace anyone. But i will put meiy over Tenn and crow for the main squad

posted about 2 years ago

I'm confident Meiy certainly will go to zeta. Especially because ten and sugarz3ro were there. The problem will be a transfer cost, I'm sure CR won't let him go for free.

posted about 2 years ago

dude, it's a multi-million deal partnership. very unlikely they fuck up their own paperwork for such an important spot. certainly, there is a reviewer for both parties of org and riot, so they could revise their application if there is a mistake.

posted about 2 years ago

they literally the oldest and the biggest organization in japan. they lack popularity compared to ZETA and CR, but it's the most well fund team in japan, which is pretty much the sole reason they take the spot over Crazy Racoon.

they hid the comment most likely because lot of toxic stuff against them rn.

posted about 2 years ago

I spent too much time playing games, that i didn't catch up with many good shows nowadays. Seen a few episodes of the boys and certainly love the parody of DC+marvel they have. will certainly watch the full show if I have free time.

posted about 2 years ago

'//, I love the fact that it's quite a simple letter. so, you can spam it on twitch.

posted about 2 years ago

please no, he used to be good. but right now he was washup

posted about 2 years ago

Allrounder, a player that can play decently at any position and have a large agent pool.

posted about 2 years ago

That is an if situation. If he got the offer, it's certainly hard to turn it down. Even if he had the desire to stay, it didnt mean other CR members would. Especially neth, my man getting older. He undoubly will transfer if there is an offer from xeta or dng. If he goes, others will certainly follow suit.

posted about 2 years ago
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