Flag: United States
Registered: April 16, 2024
Last post: January 10, 2025 at 8:52 PM
Posts: 3

Wtf is going on, I’m not sure if they’ve won even 1 of their scrims. Could this be due to them trying new comps and strats or something else. On paper their player lineup should be cooking but watching them in the riot one tourney, they weren’t really in the best shape. I could be over thinking and they could be hiding something or they might just need more time together to practice but not really sure what’s happening.

posted 1 month ago

His aim doesn't seem like what it was, but there are glimpses of it when he plays. I sorta get the phantom usage to expand the gun pool but is he using this tourney as a just for fun thing? They haven't put this man on jett or any duelist for that matter. Then again dude has a 54% hs rate but still you'd think 25K is not a small number.

posted 3 months ago

I'm new to vlr but not valorant. I'm a fan or NRG but I don't hate other NA teams. After taking a few peeks at forums throughout stage 1, it seemed like people shit on NRG for weird ass reasons. To be honest I think people just shit on all teams for dumbass reasons but it seems everyone collectively hates NRG for some reason. I'm just trying to see where the hate is coming from. Is there like a valid reason or is it just to hate? I'm guessing it might be some of the players on NRG might be "toxic" but I don't understand that either. I know Demon1 gets a lot of hate for shooting bodies, taunting and saying things but I always thought that was like an act or for entertainment and players don't take it to heart. I know crashies and victor sometimes might say toxic things too but again I thought it was all for hyping themselves and their teammates up/ entertainment. Again I'm pretty sure multiple players outside of just NRG do this too and they get their own shit for it but I don't understand. I can kinda see why people may not like Chet and in my humble opinion I think that he definitely needs to change up his game plan or be replaced but its weird to see people hating on the players for weird ass reasons. I'm not gona lie either, I'm a Demon1 fan but that doesn't mean I dick ride him till the ends of the earth. I just want to know where the hate comes from and why people add unnecessary hardship to players of all teams. I'm pretty sure most people are normal people who root for their team and stay quiet, but I happened to come to vlr by chance and I saw this hell hole of a forum.

posted 9 months ago