oh no u are about to lose your only map u win against us , ho nonono
for once TSM win something you had to make a thread about it right?
this like 100th time tsm beat 100clowns
bro got 8 rounds on defense and is shit talking, gotta respect it
we dont give a fuck boi
Now what bozo???? 🤡🤡🤡
Speak up motherfucker
Bruh why so aggressive 💀. I said I respected it
ratio + reported
don't curse us, bro...
Sean Gares coaching works as if he's still on TSM paycheck kekw
Defense sided map btw
unlucky :(
all of u are clowns
nvm im a dumbass
I never lose faith in seven sir 💪
all this talk just to likely go 1-4 in groups anyways.
absolutely rabid. TSM fans are hilarious
its their first time. all good
100thieves doesn't look good aimwise rn.