what buffs should phoenix get?
give him the ryze treatment
Only way to make phoenix meta
Ult 8 points:Everyone monitors are turned off play a blind round due to phoenix heatwave breaking monitors
ult lasts longer and can be cancelled
wall is quick cast like a jett smoke
flashes pull out and travel faster
molly pulls out faster, increase dps and hps but reduce it's duration
longer duration of ult and damage shouldn't count to your armor and flashes pop faster
this also ^ ult should set u back to the armor u had when u ulted.
yea that's what i wanted to say
all the things the mfs said above + the molly should heal WAY faster
Change ulti : weapon that used by phoenix while in Ulti mode has bleed effect (flame rounds) that dmg overtime
Change Signature ability to fireball: basically molly with jett smoke control like
Make him jacked. And without the jacket
make him 700 hp in ult and it lasts for the full round or until he dies. also give him the golden gun from spike rush
I just whipped some Fade nerds in Replication with Phoenix. W agent