What do you do if you are craving ice cream or other sugary sweets but don't want to get fat?
exercise not good for losing weight. for most people 90% of energy consumption is metabolism, leaving only about 10% changeable via your own input.
or just eat in calorie deficit and work out?
low calorie ice cream
eat ice
Bank robbery
I eat em all the time but I don't get fat.. Wdym?
Just don't eat It.
Drink a glass full of water quickly, that does the trick for me
I was about to reply with this, he's right a lot of the time you are craving its because you are dehydrated.
drink black coffee
saw the title and went running to sewers
eat some ice cream
you aren't gonna get fat simply because you eat some ice cream
your national anthem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StHMB1nhwb4
just eat bro, YOLO
Accept obesity