After they won Iceland 2021 they thought the game is so easy for them and they were finished with practicing so Shazham started streaming 12hrs a day.
No practicing I assume, even if they do practice, its probably like a half an hour cause Shazham needs to go to sleep man he streamed 12hrs already, no way he can focus now on tactics.
While other teams were scrimming before Champions in Berlin, they didnt. Guess what, Shazham was only streaming and his teammate Sick thought thats what they should do as a part
of the tactics, and he started streaming too with JasonR like 9hrs a day. But its not Sicks fault, he learns from his Captain and IGL Shaz.
And since Shazham can do everything at once, streaming,practicing, watching vods and analysing the oppononets, he thought why should we hire a fuckin coach man? It didnt work with Rawkus, im gonna be the coach of this team too. I mean big RESPECT for Shazham..he is a full-time content creator, IGL, coach and everything on this team.
No really, the only 2 players that are good on this team rn are TenZ and SicK. But i saw tenz is still fuckin good in the game, but he can be even better..he is not gonna be better, he makes the same mistakes, overagressive, overpeeking like he did before...there is no coach to tell this guy how after 5kills he should go back and stop being overagressive.
Sentinels- worst org in Valo right now.