FNATIC defeat isnt surprising

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to be honest, i dont know how we expected fnatic to do something. Last 2 games of EMEA playoffs (G2 and FPX) they played awful, they didnt even stand a chance, but no only this but also they are playing with 2 subs. I dont feel disappointed at all because at the end, even if i didnt want to, i knew they wernt going to do shit


Fearoth and H1ber are doing great, specially H1ber, but they're really used to get carried by Derke


I was expecting more from Fnatic due to: I though that the games against G2 and FPX were just classic online Fnatic aka looking like shit and saving stuff. And rated H1ber and Fea pretty highly for substitutes. But I completely underrated how much substitutes affect chemistry, strategic depth etc. So looking back at it I don't feel disappointed anymore. Teams in Masters 1 are good and you can't lack so many things if you want to succeed. Unlucky situation, but nice try still.

More just sad that this will most likely be the trend for rest of the year. EMEA getting fucked over over and over again most likely.

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