i hear this ridiculous argument constantly of “she didn’t show up to court” that’s literally not true and there’s no source for it, she decided not to continue pursuing the case for her own mental health. it’s just something that was taken and twisted to aid sinatraa’s case. i understand why cleo wouldn’t pursue it, taking legal action is a long and stressful process and generally a lot of SA victims come out publicly with these stories to get it off their chest rather than to witch-hunt the assailant.
now, in my opinion, i think sinatraa is guilty. i also understand that there isn’t a lot of damning evidence but i’ve come to this conclusion from sinatraa’s unwillingness to cooperate with riots investigation and riots investigation not contacting cleo at all (which is just wild). whether you think sinatraa is guilty of SA or not, i feel like everyone’s brushing over the fact that he was a vile and a genuinely AWFUL person to cleo, manipulative and cold to her, besides the assault accusation. frankly he treated his girlfriend like shit and pressured her into painful and unwanted intercourse. it’s shocking to me that people will continue to outright support him and praise him with made-up arguments like “she didn’t show up to court” or “she has an onlyfans”. i didn’t expect much from this community, but try viewing the situation from the other side for once- instead of blindly supporting your favorite steamer and player.