My opinion about Japan

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I really see a Future for this guys, the First map all the initial rounds were really close, but because of Basic errors that normally aren't punished in Japan region so strongely they trow rounds almost 100% winnable for them.

DRX would probably do the same against the Teams from your own region who aren't in masters, that being Said: APAC, INDIA, CN, Latam and Etc.

Ifeel that they do bad decisions that cost rounds, and that's fault of inexperience against T1 World Teams.

Same thing happenned with BR in the First Masters Reykjavik, Sharks was completely destroyed by Nuturn and VKS by Sentinels.

For me Japan is getting better, but they are doing It slowly, i really Hope Japan develops well as a region.


Japan is in the current process that BR was After the First Masters, also i would like to see a Japanese Dream Team with Fisker and Laz.

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