I see a lot of people being toxic to him when he plays bad, but I donĀ“t actually see any thread about him when he plays good...
haters going to hate xd
we hecking love oscar
who doesnt
the haters XD
this isnt gonna age well :S
this gonna age (Mix)well
i never hated him but back in the day he was bad at the game but now it's ok
Yeah he plays like shit for 10 games then performs good in one, should he be praised for that?
He's got the best ACS stats on the team since he came back after Nuckye, but hey, if you say he played 10 bad games since he came back, we'd have to believe you.
este tio no para de trollear y de hatear ni le contesteis es un gilipollas
Bro just look at his matches..... he normally performs good with jett/chamber
mixwell playing to save his job rn