this movie V1 is trash, the people who paid for the ticket are just dumb. The movie has some of the worst actors ever.
nah they beat trash sen liquid still own V1 though
V1 own LULquid since ever since the first international lan.
penny owns ScreaM
L opinion
zellsis buttfucks scream till he bleeds + ratio
zellsis is the most average discord moderator dont compare him to scream he might want to buttfuck screaM cause he probably gay but wouldnt even get the chance
U guys are cringe
dont care + ratio
scream whimpers like a lil puppy when he looks zellsis in the eyes
garry v is part owner of V1 thats the only reason they are winning
8/8 u got so many
mfs didn't even read the post and they just started arguing OMEGALUL
haha true
nice bait