Mechanically... yes.
Lower skill floor and lower skill ceiling.
-Bigger head hitboxes. Less accuracy needed to hit head. In CSGO, the difference between a super mechanically sound player and a mechanically good player is really noticeable because the head hitboxes are smaller, the super good player will show his better accuracy by hitting those hard shots more consistently. In Valorant, there will also be a noticeable difference but way smaller and will give less results.
-Some mechanics in Valorant has lower skill cap. For example, the spray control. In CSGO, even at the top level, there is a very noticeable difference between the best spraycontrol pros and the mediocre ones. Elige, Xantares, Electronic etc has insane spray control, showcasing it regularly with consistent spray transfers that they reliably can do due to their insane control of the spray. With Valorant's RNG added to the spray mechanic, it dumbs down the mechanic, makes the difference between the people with the very best spray control and the ones with worse spray control. Going for the high skillcap spray transfers is way less reliable and way less rewarding, if the RNG isn't on your side.
These are the two major ones I can think of.
Shroud for example said that in Valorant, "everyone is a god and hits insane shots all the time". He said CSGO was easier for him, because there were very few people who were gods.
This is also because the skill cap is lower.