T1 T1 Korea Rank #1 stax Kim Gu-taek (김구택) Meteor Kim Tae-oh (김태오) Sylvan Go Young-sup (고영섭) BuZz Yu Byeong-cheol (유병철) iZu Ham Woo-ju (함우주) and Nerd Street Gamers have partnered together to host North America's first Ignition Series event: the T1 x Nerd Street Gamers VALORANT Showdown. Four teams will qualify for the event via two open qualifiers held on June 20 and June 21. They will join 12 invited teams comprised of a mixture of 'world-renowned Valorant players, streamers, and influencers' to compete for a share of the $50,000 USD prize pool, the largest in Valorant to date.

Announced earlier this week, the Ignition Series features a collaboration between Riot and over 20 other esports organisations across the globe. This event is the third to be announced in the series, with the European G2 Esports Invitational and the Japanese Raze Invitational set to start in the coming days.