IF NRG Win what will you think sen fans excuse will be ??
you don't always need an excuse sometimes the other team just played better
Oh actual guy that said something true 100head german
No excuse. They'll just say SEN will do better next match
They will say "1 bad game means nothing, sen still best team in the world"
there are sen fans in this website?
Ur fellow bosnian shadowisbad?
"not many chances to scrim since tenz move, not many chances to practice since tenz move, seeding" i seriously doubt they lose tho
"First game of the year, just rusty while NRG played open quals and other tournaments" seems like the most realistic cope
tenz moving
"We shoud've played the mickey mouse tourneys."
Real SEN fans would accept that they fell off from best itw and hope for the best
ik their not the best apart from my baiting , ik theyre not best itw , idk why they need to prove to be Best NA vs C9 but if they have to then i know they will :)