For anyone who's watched any esport for more than a year consistently, Sentinels falling off in the way that they have should be no surprise. Especially considering how new the game is, I don't know how many of you will recall, but after only a couple years after the release and initial competition for CS:GO, 95% of the players who were on top then were not the aforementioned only couple years later. The game is developing strategically at about the pace I expected, i.e. extremely quickly. There haven't been many surprises whatsoever, though one thing that was sort of bizarre is exactly how hard NA has fallen off in only a short amount of time, which I personally believe to be as a result of the culture both surrounding and infecting North American teams in Valorant. Hyper fixation on individualism, personal skill, and most of all, money, which is about the most American thing out there to be frank. The culture in North America, and more specifically the United States, is exactly the reason why we continue to fail to have the same dynastic success that has been seen in Europe throughout many years of Competitive Counter Strike; dynastic meaning spanning for at least or more than a whole year that a team has been able to find continual extremely high level of success. It's something I notice in how many North American professional players conduct themselves firstly, and the bases that many teams here find themselves cultivating. Unless something changes, it's going to be business as usual for this competitive FPS game, Europe, CIS, and Brazilian teams continually finding more success than we do. It's a shame considering that North America has never and I mean never, suffered from a lack of talent. It just seems as though we do not have the predilection for long term success, much of our focus being set on short term prizes, which was clearly displayed in this tournament especially by Sentinels. It's just gross mismanagement that a team would try to win tournaments with their IGL doing the job of the coach, because let's be honest, Shaz is stretched far too thin, and Rawkus is not a coach in the most practical sense. Not to mention that many players coming over from NA CS have finally exposed themselves for who they really are, players who are aware that their career is near its end and wanting to make some money by hopping into this game, exposing its publicity to make it streaming. Yet another example of the mismanagement and short sightedness of North American teams, taking a short term advantage whilst blind to the long game.