I think the communication barrier is truly problematic. I also think it's foolish to indirectly invest in Korean players rather than building Japanese talent. With the player base and support, it's only a matter of time before new, amazing players begin emerging, and it's on the Japanese teams to find them as fast as possible and to make it as easy as possible for them to compete.
Munchkin and Neth are great players. I can't say the same for the rest of the team, though. IMO, they should use this offseason to pick up newer, Japanese players. With the longer challengers events announced, it should be possible to improve them greatly in time for the next LAN event.
Of course, that would imply that they beat Zeta who is also building a pretty great team. I personally don't know if this is possible, but it would be much better than just showing up and getting shitstomped again.