literally 2nd worst jett after Scream
why he doesn't try other agent like reyna, and let keznit use jett?
his performance is the only things that possibly block for them to win Champs
the problem with Scream is that he started playing her late and only "sometimes". Jett players in VCT are almost one trick players and they play her from day1, to master jett at this level u need a lot of time, but I prefer him on Reyna/Sage
Nagzet is just bad (with respect) I think that with another Jett player KRU can be easily top3 team
I would say if anything leave keznit on the agents he already plays and try and get someone else as the Jett. He's clearly very successful with the Reyna/Breach so it would be risky to try and switch him. It's failed multiple times in other teams and even if it worked well for him I feel like KRU wouldn't be able to find someone to fill his role as effectively.
I feel like his ability on Reyna makes up for the lack of true flashes on their comps when he plays it. Someone I was watching mentioned that as a possible issue but honestly with the space he can make anyways I say leave him on the Reyna until it truly becomes a problem because it really hasn't been yet