They don't need any more mechanically gifted players on the team. He does his job well and his aim is fine. He's almost always 3-4 on the scoreboard with sova which is exactly where he needs to be. I would only replace him if there was some sova who was actually going to make a difference to the team, like BcJ for example. Otherwise IDK he seems fine to me. Never the reason why they lost, always a reason why they won.
I actually kind of agree with you on roca, but the problem is at least effys is consistent. He's playing against top tier pros constantly and getting avg of like 175 or smth combat score. roca, near the end of his time with ssg, was just super inconsistent and no longer in form like he used to be. Also, again, V1 don't need an aim-reliant player like roca right now.