1.) Valyn 2.) Stax 3.) Munchkin 4.) Boaster 5.) Artzin 6.) Nats 7.) Sayf 8.)JohnQT 9.) FNS (if he starts shooting) 10.) P0ppin
Honorable Mentions
99.) boostio 100.) tdawgg
this is rage bait
Poppin top 10 igl and no saadhak on the list this guy is smoking something good
Nah man, gas station weed for sure
Respect Poppin guide man he reads the game like a prophet.
Discord 2 players and no 1 spot ahahahahahahah.
bro just pass me thing u are smoking on
FNS at Bangkok with Vitality would do better than Sayf change my mind
Stax > valyn, T1 won the grand final, not G2 lmao
Dawg literally EVERY SINGLE PERSON behind artzin has won more shit than him
What the fuck are you smoking
Everyone else idc they're irrelevant
Sayf igling 🤣🤣🤣