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Ranked based on how i think they will place in the event and a bit of what we have seen so far


  1. G2 (self explanatory even if they dont win the region they will fs make toronto.
  2. MIBR (verno addition is a bit of a gamble but i trust the team and considering how they placed with 3 weeks of prac i still think they have a lot to give)
  3. C9 (also had limited practice during kickoff and i thought they looked pretty good all things considered and i liked their approach to the meta)
  4. KRU (count on kru to make champs but masters out of the question
  5. 100T (pretty terrible kickoff but they could turn it around)
  6. LOUD (they were pretty decent at kickoff i dont see them doing way better than that but the firepower is good enough i kinda rank them similar to kru)
  7. NRG (integrating a new coach and player is not easy i expect them to take awhile if they can make playoffs they have a chance to do well but i think stage 2 will be more when this team comes alive)
  8. SEN (i just have a bad feeling about this team dying if they get off to a rough start and bangkok was soooo fucking bad)
  9. LEV (you cant convince me rossy solves any problems for this team, demon1 cant play fulltime duelist until they realize that they will be shit)
  10. EG (their kickoff was soooo bad but at least they have limbs unlike the other 2)
  11. FURIA (somehow arent the worst team in the league but also suck ass)
  12. 2G (they are terrible once i see them actually play the game ill start considering them)


  1. TH (I expect them to comeback crazy strong i dont believe they just magically became bad)
  2. KCORP (i like all their set stuff that they showed in kickoff and their approach to the meta but surprisingly the calling was the worst part if they can improve that they will be great)
  3. VIT (i dont think they will demolish the league like they did kickoff and think they will learn a lot this split but i still expect them to make toronto)
  4. TL (i really like their approach with the academy team they could def qualify for toronto)
  5. FNC(i expect them to get better with the changes but i dont think its enough)
  6. NAVI (idk why i feel like they will be hungry after the 0-2 and have a good regular season)
  7. BBL (i know they overperformed in kickoff but i do think they are a bit overrated maybe chiwa will make them a lot better though)
  8. FUT (all aim no brain team i just dont think its going to cut it as the teams get better)
  9. M8s (really hated their approach to the meta in kickoff i do think all the players are really good i just dont think i can put them any higher)
  10. APKS (Flor and friends aint doing shit lmao)
  11. GX (expected them to be shit but instead they were inconsistent but mostly shit)
  12. KOI (jesus they were so bad at kickoff and i had some expectation for them i have no hope now)


  1. T1 (just won masters im not gonna act like they didnt deserve it)
  2. GenG (assuming the replacements are estrella and jaxe both are upgrades and with some time i think they will be very good)
  3. GE (incoming redemption arc for this org i can feel it)
  4. TLN (i think the new players will take a bit of time but they fs could make toronto if it goes well)
  5. DRX (i expect slight regression i think they peaked in kickoff)
  6. NS (this team needs to prove to me they can be flexible with their team comps but as far as players go they are some of the best in the league)
  7. BOOM (probably higher than most but the coaches of this team are legit if the players improve they could actually be quite good)
  8. TS (honestly no reason why their here besides rrq losing igl i have no faith)
  9. DFM (very inconsistent team sometimes look insane other times they are just awful)
  10. RRQ (losing the igl is fucked and they still dont have a replacement so im not really sure what to make of them)
  11. PRX (i know this is probably much lower than most but this team is not going to be good unless they make roster changes)
  12. ZETA (self explanatory)


  1. EDG (self explanatory)
  2. NOVA (its their time)
  3. TE (self explanatory)
  4. BLG (self explanatory)
  5. XLG (self explanatory)
  6. DRG (self explanatory)
    the rest
  7. AG (plumbers)

swap dfm with ge


bro said c9 #3


you know americas is cooked when c9 qualifies for masters i just have a feeling


well thats a hot take and itll be really funny if they actually do qualify


c9 won't win shit


obviously will not win bro


jaxe and estrella are downgrades/sidegrades anyone who says otherwise is delusional


foxy9 isnt good literally anyone is better and estrella is more proven then yoman


i think most teams in EMEA could be in any position bro, that region has so many teams with (regional!!!!) potential


very true as long as vit and heretics are top 3 literally anything else is possible

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