APAC the only non 1 team region.
APAC needs APAC to eliminate APAC soo
True! APAC has 3 to 5 teams that could've made it to playoffs in this event
me when i spread propaganda
Yeah. it's korean team region
how many champs does pacific have
APAC last trophy - 266 days (potential to be 0 days) EMEA last trophy - 631 days (and counting, upto 722 assuming they even win toronto )
memea for a reason
EMEA is rent free in your head though, focus on G2 T1 right now.
"flair" while ur flair inactive since 2023 lil bro
how many players does croatia have
NA very much a 1 team region now too though, APAC is arguably the only region with 2 competitive teams rn
so u saying NA isnt 1 team region, while literally the 2nd NA team performed worst on this tournament? ok
How many champs does pacific have
emea holding onto mickey mouse pre franchising champs? truly a defeated region
Lmfao not an EMEA fan
If T1 win bangkok
If G2 win bangkok
This does not mean apac is better unfortunatly
this mean apac better, u can't judge region performance by only one team
Emea lives rent free in people's heads it's actually crazy