Not like memea,lost to asian teams,noob
first map is just aim practice.
was pops wrong for this
SEN lost to TL just saying so you remember
We still the strongest
sen is ass but yes
it's map one
Pacific is shit following ur "flawless" logic
Pityfic still no champ, seriously?
why are u shitting on other regions if the worst region is Pacific lmao, ur baits are so fucking weak even I can break it into two
weak ass bait
lev s0n
So ez bro
g2 best map and edg are playing clove
Still can't accept truth that CN is just noob and easy to read
say edg bro why are you saying china, just admit ur racist lil bro
CN region has only 1 team can fight And still be read like book
if they can be read like a book then give a 115 page report about EDG's "readable" gameplay
NA only has 1 team too dude, trace and sen both went 0-2
racist + Francis and Persia are the only ones doing shit in SPG (not calling it NS)
off topic but G2 might be the ugliest looking team in entire franchise (except trent..he looks good)