Had an argument/fight with my gf yesterday. Why are girls so overly emotional and unreasonable? Is this gender/sex thing or just individual?
Its not the case for all women, at all, so I think its probably individual Its great that youre aware it might not be all girls
no its true
arguments are dime a dozen in relationships gang just don't put hands on your girl, only thing that matters
generalization is sexism. rest every relationship has fights
If you say Girls are emotional and unreasonable then yes 100% sexist If you say some Girls are emotional and unreasonable then maybe depends on the percentage if you say people are emotional and unreasonable then yea you are right
first one only 50% not unreasonable but girls are more emotional apparently they're more emotionally expressive according to studies
Sometimes emotions take over the reasoning skill of a person if there is something always they are worried off or they are angry about