I’m feeling schadenfreude witnessing the cocky GC frauds getting exposed 🤣🤣🤣. No offense to the based GC queens.
same lowkey
Lowkey you haven't said one postive thing in all your chats.do you want to be such a negative nancy all your life grow up
My irl is too positive for my liking. Online is the only place I get to be a negative nancy. Pls don’t take it to heart😅😅
Yk ppl tend to show their original self when they're talking online. So no your irl self is not too positive. You're living in delusion. Get better
Got it
you don’t gotta lie to make yourself feel better man
being positive can make you a lot happier, no person with a happy life choses to come on here and constantly complain
hope you get better brother
Thanks for looking out brother. Sending wellness your way
That grim drama was where i knew SRG was over