he will show you bots in bangkok.
why would tex be a bad description? he isnt as good a duelist as... aspas? it's ascension-winning duelist firepower on another role and he was insane the entire year. easily 2nd best after aspas
i feel like people are judging "superteam" based on results. when lev was formed it was called a superteam and it was a team of superstar-level players (or close to that level) who had thrived on other teams all coming together. that IS a superteam. if vitality fail to win anything this year they will still be called a superteam. it's not about whether you win it's about the individuals being brought to the team is it not?
idk if you follow the nba but the nets got kevin durant, james harden and kyrie all on 1 team and everyone said it was a superteam - they never won and they all left after a few years. it was still a superteam because it was formed by bringing together 3 superstar players from other teams
What are you talking about? Tex was only the second-best player on LEV in one tournament, which was Masters Shanghai. Other than that, Kingg was better than him in pretty much everything else.
Well, I never considered LEV a superteam. Yes, people had high expectations for them in 2024, but you can't compare Tex, a Tier 2 duelist who switched to Sentinel, with Less, or C0m, the worst player on EG 2023, with Trexx.