Has he played any other agent during kickoff?
Dude seems like he has mastered Tejo
Nah he has not
he has 12+ usage on him i think if he hasnt mastered him he is pretty close
its gonna bite him in the ass when riot decides to nerf tejo indefinitely
Free1ng is insane on many other agents as well
if he can master a new agent in this short time hes going to be perfectly fine. hes a great player on other agents too
him and Jonhqt are the best tejos
It's honestly a good tactic if you plan on saving up strats. But idk if that's what they're trying to do
Tejo is just too strong currently. Don't think it's saving strats.
He can play other initiators well too his sova is good but cypher is always the best
It's not freeing. It's their coach found that they can abuse tejo in every map. then freeing locked in