G2 map analysis

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Split: They are bad on split from the looks of it and should just perma ban it.

Haven: Good defense, but terrible attack. They need to work on their attack side and then it should be good.

Pearl: Is their best map and doesn't look like they have a huge weakness. They could do a few things better, but I would expect them to work it out before bangkok.

Bind: Haven't seen enough Bind to really say anything about.

Lotus: We can assume their lotus is pretty good after the results against C9, but they did perma ban it against Sen, so they might not be confident on it against a team that's really good on it.

Fracture: Looks pretty standard for Fracture, and they seem pretty good on it.

Abyss: Their abyss is pretty good, but it needs some work. They sometimes put too much emphasis on mid control and it feels like their entire game plan requires being in control of mid. They give up a lot of space on the sites by doing this so often. Also sometimes they take way to much time trying to fish for info and then are rushed when planting. Retakes could use some work too.


saying "they look good" "they look bad" or "we havent seen enough" is not analysis


I don't wanna type paragraphs after paragraphs on why they are good or bad on a map on a vlr post.

Also we have not seen them play on bind a single time during kickoff, and I'm not going to use the Red Bull Home Ground Tournament because it was an off season event, a lot of teams were still getting used to their rosters, and because Tejo wasn't in the game the comps will be completely different

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