What will team creds for both teams look like? do they have some calculations or will it be 9k for both teams?
and who said that credits can not be part of the punishment .. you say "they are punished 7 round mehee" like a stupid kid, they should be better eliminated from this tourney just bcs not reading the rules .. what kind of org or it's player didn't know about this, at least we assume that they didn't know.
Do you even have a brain to understand the situation? player clearly knew it was a bug to see through the game textures, what if it wasn't detected bug before? bug is a bug, you see through the textures anyway, they're not in a war, they're in a tourney what kind of stupid doesnt even think that OFC IT'S NOT ALLOWED .. damn
it's clearly their job to know that mate wtf, fuck the players and whatabout the organization? your player using an exploit 6 damn rounds in a row and you don't see it? can you believe this, what was your coach watching during that shit .. everyone blames riot, VK org's itself even more guilty to not realize especially when it was their own responsibility ..