im deadly serious when i say this team should disband immediately and be kicked from vct
team spirit in for new era team for valorant
liquid will never get kicked...they are like top 3/5 most popular esports orgs in the world
why free nats
they force him onto igl and dont even bother to bring in decent coaches or team around him
if he didnt want to igl i think he wouldve told them
he is being held hostage in this team
dude idk if teams can force anyone to IGL lmfao
they literally forced him in the middle of last season because of how bad enzo was
yeah but coming to this season surely liquid could have signed an igl
would robbiebk pick ascension team over the liquid bag?
Kr1stal was literally a free agent atp, two time ascension finalist and won once but TL goes for idk how tf the brought in kamyk prob
Bro you think they tell him you better IGL or youre out i mean if anything its better for him... and he has a contract he can just refuse and theyll get someone else. Im pretty sure they asked him and he agreed to do it.
no but imagine team spirit in val, literally some of the best scouting agents itw
overdrive š