meiy drops like 30 vs LEV because he feels like it
100%, lev sucks
what are the odds now
please nrg flair during soop
i dont have any hate for NRG :(
please hate nrg :) lers repeat last year. sen and lev on top.
i do not support sen after their racist, misojonistic, and korean beef
say this ain't true, never expected you to be a softy 💔💔
zellsis is 99% of why i hate sen
you don't know ball, zellsis is the most confident fun person in the val community.
this is why ill be putting on a SEN flair instead
honestly not that low
Not that low ONLY because LEV will get into that tournament with very little practice (Prob like under 2 weeks). According to the staff they have been playing pracs with Itopata bc tex has been very sick
tex faking so he can drop masterclass in tournament, i know his game