Japan and corpse shooting (or any BM in general)

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I think its no secret japan's #1 weakness is getting BM'd specifically corpse shooting. Every time you see them getting BM'd they will go absolute nuts on twitter, ive seen it in their own league, seen it when they compete internationally, yes its not just a japan thing but japan definitely reacts to it the most. I think someone needs to tell them this is something you have to expect when you compete internationally and they need to grow some thick skin.

As someone who plays sports and used to compete, its a very normal thing you have to deal with you see it in pick up basketball, NBA/NFL boxing even in many esports, its part of FPS culture. If im going to cry about it, just means the bm works and its only going to affect me mentally

I understand Riot has rules about this, but it seems they're quite inconsistent when it comes to punishing players. Either allow BM (no slurs ofc) or just have 0 tolerance no in between bs

so if you're a pro reading this, maybe shoot more copses, shoot more logos until people get desensitized by it because at the end of the day, it means nothing, its the weakest form of trash talk in all sporting history, you pull down and hold click, oh how offensive. Its not like you're getting elbow'd to the face like irl sports.


The Japanese are probably the most sensitive people in the world when it comes to 'other people insulting them'. The opposite is not: Japanese players shoot corpses first sometimes, too, and fans just ghosts themselves it's not happened.

I know I said that in a negative tone, but they are maybe the angriest people, not the most duplicitous. In this culture of BM, duplicity is everywhere.

JonahP immediately received death threats for calling PRX a choker. PRX players have had beefs with TH and other teams, but every time they do, the internet is flooded with SEA Floods bashing their opponents and praising their own players. Needless to say, they are the worst fandom in history.

What about the West, which is "tolerant" of provocation? They are tolerant when their own team insults other teams, not the other way around. In Madrid, Munchkin also received death threats for shouting "What the fuck are you doing?" at SEN. Of course the SEN suckers laughed at Zellsis' taunting.

Mine is humor, Others are insult. This attitude is just everywhere. It's bit contradictory to tell someone to calm down because they're triggered; So just let them be angry.


stopped reading at “Japanese are probably the most sensitive people in the world when it comes to other people insulting them”


No. It's not ethnicity or any of that shit. Of course IRL they're very mannered people. The scope of the conversation is limited to the Val fandom. It's all about shooting bodies in this game. The Japanese fandom is obviously sensitive. And I'm saying that it's not a big deal.

I don't intend any microaggression. I used the translator a bit , so I apologize if it came across wrong.


Can confirm anyone who's been to Japan can do Corpse shooting

~ Logan Paul


I understand Riot has rules about this, but it seems they're quite inconsistent when it comes to punishing players.

I remember this very much, when demon1 corpse shooting DRX players, people just neglectfully ignored it cause it was normal for NA players to do this, no consequences whatsoever. However in the bind game when PRX does it to EG reaction was different to the point PRX got warning/fine AND THEN EG got warning/fine later.

JonahP immediately received death threats for calling PRX a choker.

Classic SEA netizens

Every time you see them (JP) getting BM'd they will go absolute nuts on twitter,

Reaction matters, JP hate this so much to the point JP challengers, any1 doing this DOES get fined + expecting apology tweet from player and/or org. RIOT seems to take regions base specific rules. Some took "If everyone does it, it become normalised, therefore its ok" route, some might not agree but just being tolerant about it, and JP full against such a thing.

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